How were you first introduced to SuicideGirls?
I read about it in a magazine (remember those?) 20 or so years ago. I think it was Rolling Stone or Spin.
How did you come up with your SG name?
I originally came up with the name for the official Magic the Gathering forum. A Johnny is someone who likes building combo decks and discard was the central theme of my favorite combo deck.
How long have you been an SG member?
While this profile is *only* 12 years old, my original profile, @ciroc, is from 2003. Look how young I was!
What do you do for fun in real life?
I’ve been playing video games since I was like 4 or 5. I also enjoy board games, anime, whatever watching streaming is considered (it’s technically not TV), and reading (mostly horror and humor).
Have you met anyone from SG in real life?
Technically, but I knew him through a roommate first and saw his profile later through the now-defunct Santa Barbara group. I have yet to meet anyone from SG as a result of SG. There's still time though!
What do you want people to know about you?
I enjoy writing and am a self-published ebook author. Currently, I am working on a zombie novella.
What is your favorite feature on SuicideGirls.com?
I originally joined for the sets, but the groups are a lot of fun.
Do you have a favorite photoset? Why or why not?
Kemper’s Day by Day. The idea of a time-lapse photo shoot is cool, and to see how much she changed over those several months is incredible.
What do you love most about being a part of the SG community?
SG feels like a very positive and supportive space, especially compared to some other online communities.
How often do you visit the site?
I’d say most days, if not everyday at this point.
Who are your favorite SuicideGirls and/or SG Hopefuls?
My favorite active SGs include @babybi and @penny, but I've enjoyed interacting with so many more. I'd say my current favorite hopeful is @misschillabit.
If you could share a meal with 3 people from the site, who would you choose?
Same as above: @babybi, @penny, and @misschillabit.
Who is your SG Bestie(s)?
My favorite person on the site is @babybi.
Do you have a dream SG set you hope to see happen one day? (Models, theme, location, etc.)
I went back and found this comment that I posted to @dreamsg in the past: I would love a set with one SG from each country that has an SG (though this seems maybe too extravagant). Depending how many of the world's 257 countries are represented, I think a mall food court with mall employees and various cliques of mall-goers could be awesome.
What part of the site do you visit the most?
The groups, for sure. Some days that is the only part of the site I visit. I love the thread games in Silliness and the memes in Memes.
💕💕 I fully support a mall food court themed set!
Hmmm, plenty of vacant malls available these days to make a food court set happen, what an amazing Shootfest that would make!