How were you first introduced to SuicideGirls?
I first came across SG by finding the first book at Barnes and Nobles way back, probably 2005. I was interested because, I myself, find myself outside the norms of society. I had just left the religion I was born into, Mormonism, partly because they made me feel like an outcast. I was young and my sexuality was a huge issue and part of my problems with my faith. I liked the notion that its as putting forward what felt like a body positive message, featuring the more society ignored parts of femininity and beauty, and was also handing more control to the actual creative girls who are involved. I connected to the idea. Despite the message, I never joined the site. I continued to come across SG through print media, magazines, advertisements, Portland, burlesque, but the SG books I think had the most impact. I enjoyed the books very much. Please make more books! I think there should be a “Year Book” every year.
How did you come up with your SG name?
Well it isn’t my given name, but one I have adopted for online use. When I finally came out to my parents in 2013, after many years of struggling with my identity and sexuality, I wrote them a very long letter, explaining the mystery of what was my issues growing up, telling them all what I was going through and what I was experiencing. In the introduction I wrote out the lyrics to a song by, Shiny Toy Guns, We Are Pilots, that I felt really felt like expressed my situation and feelings. Dramatic I know!?! Anyway, the lead singer from the band is named Carah and I started to use the name online as a new beginning. and Maisie is a name that was suggested to me by someone really special. At the time I was originally under the impression it was French, and it sounded sophisticated, so I had to adopt it. I had a thing for all things French at the time, but have since learned it is Scottish and means pearl. It’s stuck as my online name.
How long have you been an SG member?
I joined the SG site early September 2020, I think either on the birthday or a day or two after. So almost 3 years!
What do you do for fun in real life?
Photography. In 2016, I found myself picking up my first camera and fell in love with photography. I take mostly pictures of flowers, things from my travels. I have shot also for marketing and advertisements and people’s profiles and online material. At some point, I started to really get into pinup/erotic photography. I’m very interested in it from an artistic standpoint. Women have always been the most beautiful subject to me. I admit that there is a bit of living vicariously through it. A part of feeling like my time had passed and if I couldn’t be a young beautiful I would like to perhaps learn to do the photography behind it. Music. I absolutely love music and have an enormous amount of music. I used to work in a music store when I was in high school, which widened my already big love for music. I listen to it all the time. I love sharing it with others, and if others are interested will make a playlist to share here every once in a while. Movies and TV Shows. I just really love film and visual medium. It adds something to story telling, which I also like. I love watching them and discussing them with those I watch it with. I’m really open to just about any kind of film, but gravitate towards more serious films that make me cry or think. Travel, I love exploring new places. I’ve had to slow down because of family issues. So I don’t get out as much as I would like. I love just seeing new places, buildings ways in which people live, the food, the culture and art, history, clothes. I love to shop where I go to, window shop when I don’t have the money.
Have you met anyone from SG in real life?
Not that I know of.
What do you want people to know about you?
The depths and complexity of my inner self, my life’s experiences, and thoughts. 🙃 LOL. I am not sure how to answer this question. Maybe, if you, yes you dear readers, if you made it this far and want to know more about me, just want to talk, or whatever feel free to private message me. I can answer your deepest questions.
What is your favorite feature on SuicideGirls.com?
I love the photo sets of course! Especially the ability to go through the archive. A must in my opinion, lots of treasures there. I also like the forums, I do think they need better tools to be more useful and used more. The blog feature is also great as it allows people to create, write about whatever is on their mind and share a part of themselves. I think I have come to know people most through this feature.
Do you have a favorite photoset? Why or why not?
This is a tough question, because I do not want to leave out the very many sets I have found to be just absolutely incredible and because I have actually a lot, far more than I ever write about. Instead maybe I will point people to my blog here to get an idea of some examples of what I have liked. Instead I will describe what I make a photoset a favorite for me, in no particular order. I love sets that evoke emotional connection, through the eyes, facial expression, posing and mood. Well shot sets are important, but I really like the composition and decisions made behind shots and pacing, even story telling. Creativity and thoughtful themes. I like to see enjoyment, personality or fine craftsmanship in a set. I have a lot of respect for all the people who contribute to SG. Models and photographers - thank you!
What do you love most about being a part of the SG community?
It is such a fun, creative and supportive place.
How often do you visit the site?
Daily. I’m hooked.
Who are your favorite SuicideGirls and/or SG Hopefuls?
Like my answer to favorite photosets, I really do not wish to name names, out of respect, but also because they really are too numerous to list. I am grateful that so many of you share yourselves and create so many just amazing and spectacular sets. I make comments on most of the sets and I mean what I say in those comments. I wish I could get to know more of you better than I do.
If you could share a meal with 3 people from the site, who would you choose?
@Andrea_Arcore, @Mimo, and @Natalia_Randle. I want to learn all your photography secrets! Honestly I would love to the chance to meet you all and watch and learn how you go about your process of a set. I’m a huge fan. And I like a lot of photographer’s work here, Drew, R. Girardi, Hilo, Minuminula, Msilveira, Thimeow, A Popenko, Elune, Caustix, Sinspictures, and more - seriously, so choosing just 3 is difficult.
Who is your SG Bestie(s)?
I am not sure. Probably my fault, I am shy. If you want to be my friend. . .
Do you have a dream SG set you hope to see happen one day? (Models, theme, location, etc.)
My dream set I hope to see one day are the sets I shoot for models, that one day could be featured on SG, should anyone like to collaborate, I would love the opportunity. If I couldn’t do that, I could settle for @Walerya and @Ceciamix together in something featuring many colorful Dahlias, perhaps in a steamy greenhouse or gorgeous bathroom. That would be amazing!
What part of the site do you visit the most?
The photosets.
Very nice blog :)
Beautiful blog