How were you first introduced to SuicideGirls?
A friend of mine in college told me about it.
How did you come up with your SG name?
Jaws is my nickname.
How long have you been an SG member?
11 years
What do you do for fun in real life?
I love painting; most of my life it has brought me peace of mind and hangout with my cats.
Have you met anyone from SG in real life?
I have a few friends I have met here who were and are hopefuls, and one or two SGs.
What do you want people to know about you?
That I enjoy art and nice people.
What is your favorite feature on SuicideGirls.com?
The groups are always interesting.
Do you have a favorite photoset? Why or why not?
Yes, @Midnight's set, Seduction. It's just a beautiful set. Kind of timeless.
What do you love most about being a part of the SG community?
We care and support each other.
How often do you visit the site?
Who are your favorite SuicideGirls and/or SG Hopefuls?
@Midnight, @Rambo, @Eirenne, @Headshot and @Candyhell
If you could share a meal with 3 people from the site, who would you choose?
@Bo, @Eirenne and @Cerebuss666
Who is your SG Bestie(s)?
Do you have a dream SG set you hope to see happen one day? (Models, theme, location, etc.)
I kinda always wanted to see "Where the Wild Things Are" multi set.
What part of the site do you visit the most?
Photo sets
You are all so kind, thank you. Back at cha @midnight