Heeey! It's international cats day, so best day to give you news on Miles!
If you weren't here exactly 11 months ago, this blog may give you an insight.
Now, just last Thursday we had an appointment and he's all fine!!! (As fine as he can be, of course)
Yes, his disease is here to stay, but apparently we've been able to control it and slow it down, so he has his daily meds (simple stuff, mostly liquid so no pills to swallow), but other than that he only has to go through exams twice or three times a year now, just to check things out and make sure it's all under control 🥳
Once again, thanks for everything, guys! For the help, for the care, all worried messages and everything. Know that he is in such better conditions - his doctor sai he's a 9/10! Only 9 because of kidneys, cause other than that he is perfect (I can't deny it, that he really is haha)
Mely and Miles 🖤