Yaay, yes, I have a new set on the way. 10 days for my Drinking by the Pool set to hit MR! And this is a special one! Not cause I'm near the pool or smiling more or wearing pink (things I don't usually do), but there's more of SG on this set!
Some months ago, when I just had the inicial pics of the set to make the selection, I had decided to go live here and get some help from the most obvious people: THE PEOPLE FROM THIS WEBSITE! Well, who's gonna see it all and appreciate it, if not all people here? So, as I had more than 250 pics to select from and also had to make it become around 60, then I obviusly needed help deciding which would be used here, which would be discarded and which were gonna be extras to be posted elsewehre. And for those who were part of the selection, they know as much as I do how difficult the choices were! Little details had to be taken into account and some pics, even though they were perfect, we had to leave them behind tearfully.
We actually spent two days and more than 16 hours live making the choices, and even though they were hard, we still had a lot of fun, and I have to thank all those involved (won't tag everyone here as I won't remember each and every nickname, but if you were there, you know it lol). Can't wait for the next time, but with all the pandemic situation, we're gonna have to wait a little more, unfortunately.
So, for today, I'll leave you with one of the wonderful pictures from this Summer-ish set that is about to come <3