Hey everyone, just a quick blog to let you know I am alive and very well. Things are going really great. I just started a new job with a local non-profit and so far I absolutely love it. Great cause, great people and much better pay and benefits than I was getting before. I am pretty psyched. I have also made plans to start going to school. Just part time at night for now, and I won't be starting until May, but I am excited about that too.
Also Fitz took me out for my birthday on Friday and we have decided to get back together. I am happy to report for those that know him that things are going really well for him too. He got a really great promotion at his job and is doing really well in school.
I can't remember the last time I was this happy. Hope things are great for all of you as well.
Also Fitz took me out for my birthday on Friday and we have decided to get back together. I am happy to report for those that know him that things are going really well for him too. He got a really great promotion at his job and is doing really well in school.
I can't remember the last time I was this happy. Hope things are great for all of you as well.

So happy for you