shit got scaredy for a whiley then! couldn't access the site!
so in the end i didn't go as tank girl and i didn't go as nancy! i went as a nazi!
thats stacey (american history x) (fairuza balk) but loadsa peeps thought i was lara croft? i think it woz the top and the guns! about 30 peeps turned up micheal myers, a dirty old man, bruce lee, naughty skool girl, the backwards man, angel, the assassin, men in black, ozzy, a corpse, playboy bunnies, scream blokey, a nurse (and when i say nurse in mean ickle tiny white dress! stockings! garter! etc!) (not that i woz lookin
) as u can tell peeps just dressd up in anythin!
men in black danced wit two ladies but instead of gettin thier names he got there ages! 28 and 34 he then proceded to "break dance" but his lankyness just kinda gets in the way! the 34 year old asked him for a shag even though it was me mates uncles girlfriend!
in the end he was to pissed to walk!
it was good party, i spent bout 2 hours of it inventin new game involving drink mats and a pint glass!
kinda weird but i meet a nice young lady, and another one and another one!
and some more!
we just fucked bout! all knowin that we were either bi or lesbo apart from jim (the corpse). so i had v.good time the birthday boy did too! although i didn't see him much, we were kool! a young lady he likes cam sat wit us, i think she woz just a bit scared of 5 peeps so amazed wit drink mats!
one of the young ladies is danish so woz attemptin to teach me sum words but i think most woz dirty coz i would say them then she wouldn't tell me wot they meant! i ended up driving her home and exchanged numbers
then stayed up till 4am txtin each otha! more words still don't know wot they mean!!??
im had great time! although learnin danish, watchin peeps makes fools of themselves, shootin peeps, recievin kinky looks from ladies, drawin a farmyard on jims back, flickin both drink mats and nipples! might not sound like a good party! it was!
the aftermarth (2day) dam clocks had change, got confused, played basketball, txt bck me
ex-girlf she acting weird!? peeps likey me black hair!
and findin out one of the otha ladies (otha) thought i was hot! oh yeah and the weather makin me
hows u everyone else!

so in the end i didn't go as tank girl and i didn't go as nancy! i went as a nazi!

men in black danced wit two ladies but instead of gettin thier names he got there ages! 28 and 34 he then proceded to "break dance" but his lankyness just kinda gets in the way! the 34 year old asked him for a shag even though it was me mates uncles girlfriend!
in the end he was to pissed to walk!
it was good party, i spent bout 2 hours of it inventin new game involving drink mats and a pint glass!

one of the young ladies is danish so woz attemptin to teach me sum words but i think most woz dirty coz i would say them then she wouldn't tell me wot they meant! i ended up driving her home and exchanged numbers

im had great time! although learnin danish, watchin peeps makes fools of themselves, shootin peeps, recievin kinky looks from ladies, drawin a farmyard on jims back, flickin both drink mats and nipples! might not sound like a good party! it was!

the aftermarth (2day) dam clocks had change, got confused, played basketball, txt bck me
ex-girlf she acting weird!? peeps likey me black hair!
and findin out one of the otha ladies (otha) thought i was hot! oh yeah and the weather makin me

hows u everyone else!