todays listenins involved 'transplants' and nobody else!
they kick arse and plus brody's on it to so that's even betta!
havin to wear a hat coz i dyed me hair blue and coz its normally blonde its kinda a jade or turqoise . . . . o.k
its green! durin the comin out stage!
but i did find sum black dye! wahooo!
but me friends party is this weekend its movie dress up and tank girl got blonde hair (yeah i know its green but it will blonde!)so it'll hav to wait!
which reminds me i got to get rest of costume!
1. ickle white t-shirt (which i might just hav to go to topshop for coz there like 5 . . . . .oh yeah and maybe see the yummy lady
) then cut it up and print the target thing on it!
2. suspenders! i got me sum stockings so i think i'll take it that bit further!
3. sum ickle extras rings 'n' stuff!
4. decide what to do wit me hair i could shave it off but it'll look good for the party then i'll hate it the next day, cry until it grows back but by then i won't hav any body water so i'll b mistaken for a stick insect put in a zoo or nature reserve and hav peeps point at me for the rest of me life until i escape at me 1mph pace, then hav sumone throws me on a fire coz me dam camoflarge worked to well!
erm yeah hav to work the hair out!
5. then walk around swearin at peeps! not taking anyshit frm no anyone! and might just hav to randomly kiss sum sexy ladies and just use the fact that it's in the film!!
i walked today!
yeah i hav a broom broom and
drive me lazy arse everywhere! so i went for walk . . . . o.k so it was to pick me car up
then i got really stopid and walked a bit further to see if me ex was havin a fag break
but mainly to just show her wot she now can't hav!
i got beeped a few times! tee hee although there weren't special it still makes me smile for sum reason!
but yay the sun is shinning!
and thats me other excuse for walkin!
"Nobody move, nobody get hurt"
they kick arse and plus brody's on it to so that's even betta!

havin to wear a hat coz i dyed me hair blue and coz its normally blonde its kinda a jade or turqoise . . . . o.k
its green! durin the comin out stage!

but me friends party is this weekend its movie dress up and tank girl got blonde hair (yeah i know its green but it will blonde!)so it'll hav to wait!

which reminds me i got to get rest of costume!
1. ickle white t-shirt (which i might just hav to go to topshop for coz there like 5 . . . . .oh yeah and maybe see the yummy lady

2. suspenders! i got me sum stockings so i think i'll take it that bit further!

3. sum ickle extras rings 'n' stuff!
4. decide what to do wit me hair i could shave it off but it'll look good for the party then i'll hate it the next day, cry until it grows back but by then i won't hav any body water so i'll b mistaken for a stick insect put in a zoo or nature reserve and hav peeps point at me for the rest of me life until i escape at me 1mph pace, then hav sumone throws me on a fire coz me dam camoflarge worked to well!

erm yeah hav to work the hair out!
5. then walk around swearin at peeps! not taking anyshit frm no anyone! and might just hav to randomly kiss sum sexy ladies and just use the fact that it's in the film!!

i walked today!

drive me lazy arse everywhere! so i went for walk . . . . o.k so it was to pick me car up

but yay the sun is shinning!

"Nobody move, nobody get hurt"
new pic
v. pretty
don't worry
i'm back
you don't escape that easily