went to new cinema in town last nite with me best mate saw that just married movie, it woz o.k although we had really annoying can't make there minds up were to sit, passin the popcorn and talkin all the way through the film peeps in front of us!
the went for a drive to find sumthin to do, then comes the serious where are we at talk!? u see me mate "loves me" and has all the feelings that com wit loving someone, i love him too but as a friend. not only is it hard to not say the wrong thing and not lead
him on wit harmless flirting and him to think anything
dodgy but everyone knows he loves me so its like we have a fricking audience 24/7.
so we had to sort out what we both want as since me last girlfriend we fell apart coz he just didnt want to speak to me?! jealousy and stuff.
so i said i just want to build on our friendship and he agreed but then comes the 'and then we
could start dating and eventually go out' and i maen it no matter how many times i said just friendship he kept sayin it! i guess he's frickin determind! so we were cool there wasn't that akward silence.
but then he ask's a question, i answer then he gets curious ask's to many questions and maybe i shouldn't have answered i don't know but to late he get the answer he didn't want to hear! so back to akward silence!
he fakes a stomach ache and i take him home.
so now i know we probably won't speak till college and it's just gonna go in a big frickin circle!
other than that decided i definatley wanna live in brighton at sum point, went there yesterday and it's the small things in life that make me happy like i wanna fuck u eye contact from yummy ladies!
i guess coz im still in the am i a complete lesbo or still likin the men stage! which adds to the confusion of me best mate.
oh yeah and something that really fucks me off bein tested! when peeps say stuff or do stuff just to see ur reaction but not funny ha ha stuff serious emotional bollox! and when peeps r tryin so hard to make u jealous they might aswell hav a flashin neon sign above thier heads!
i realy dont like just goin bout this shit but i cant talk to anyone else coz the all the peeps @ college are busy havin bitching frenzy! about eachother so no1 is safe!
idiosar still lost!?

the went for a drive to find sumthin to do, then comes the serious where are we at talk!? u see me mate "loves me" and has all the feelings that com wit loving someone, i love him too but as a friend. not only is it hard to not say the wrong thing and not lead
him on wit harmless flirting and him to think anything
dodgy but everyone knows he loves me so its like we have a fricking audience 24/7.
so we had to sort out what we both want as since me last girlfriend we fell apart coz he just didnt want to speak to me?! jealousy and stuff.
so i said i just want to build on our friendship and he agreed but then comes the 'and then we
could start dating and eventually go out' and i maen it no matter how many times i said just friendship he kept sayin it! i guess he's frickin determind! so we were cool there wasn't that akward silence.
but then he ask's a question, i answer then he gets curious ask's to many questions and maybe i shouldn't have answered i don't know but to late he get the answer he didn't want to hear! so back to akward silence!

so now i know we probably won't speak till college and it's just gonna go in a big frickin circle!

other than that decided i definatley wanna live in brighton at sum point, went there yesterday and it's the small things in life that make me happy like i wanna fuck u eye contact from yummy ladies!

i guess coz im still in the am i a complete lesbo or still likin the men stage! which adds to the confusion of me best mate.
oh yeah and something that really fucks me off bein tested! when peeps say stuff or do stuff just to see ur reaction but not funny ha ha stuff serious emotional bollox! and when peeps r tryin so hard to make u jealous they might aswell hav a flashin neon sign above thier heads!

i realy dont like just goin bout this shit but i cant talk to anyone else coz the all the peeps @ college are busy havin bitching frenzy! about eachother so no1 is safe!
idiosar still lost!?

Ignore the fat, I'm thinner than that now, hehe. I'm getting that extended into my back.
And maybe some stars on my shoulders (front) or hips. Undecided yet.
[Edited on Mar 22, 2003]
I wanna read my Jhonen Comics. But my friend has them *sniff*