he he he he is all i have to say! chilli peppers kicked arse!
although now i know why there r tall peeps! (apart from bein born then just growin taller than short peeps) so they dont have to stand on tip toes for hours! they played the classics like scar tissue, under the bridge, californication,around the world etc all got half nakie part from john! solos r amazin on cd but in the flesh there fucking amazin! although i sent most me time gettin crushed atleast i can say been to see the chilli peppers and got the t-shirt
in other news gigs r . . . . .apart from here r the best place to c yummy ladies! although for the first time in me life i approached a girl, she givin mixed signals. she appeard from nowhere and wow never seen that much beauty in the flesh! (sounds korny i know) dancin next to me and i knew if i did nothin id be kickin myself forever! i aint gonna say wot i said coz . . . . i think i made an arse of meself so bein told it would be even worse! but in the end found out she woz straight, told her how amazin she woz she said thanx v.much then apologised but said i woz gorgeous (not sure whether to take it as a sympathy compliment) i said thanx and sorry but hey atleast i know.
later found out that girlie who had offered me a jelly tot woz interseted but the dude with her, to me sumed like he was really tryin to impress her and i thought maybe first date but then me friend told me he had said to her "shame ur a lesbian!" that woz obviously the bit where i went deaf for 10 seconds!
and she woz really cute!
so part from making dick of me self, not aceptin jelly tot coz had chewing gum, bein squished by sweaty men (squished by nice ladies woz . . ,the good part) havin a scary girl starin at me the whole night, not hearin the lesbian part, recognisin a girl but couldnt work out where i know her from ( i think she may hav been a promotion peep at tesco's) (yeah i worked for tesco's
) other than all that had a jolly good time
to buy dc martens or not buy??

in other news gigs r . . . . .apart from here r the best place to c yummy ladies! although for the first time in me life i approached a girl, she givin mixed signals. she appeard from nowhere and wow never seen that much beauty in the flesh! (sounds korny i know) dancin next to me and i knew if i did nothin id be kickin myself forever! i aint gonna say wot i said coz . . . . i think i made an arse of meself so bein told it would be even worse! but in the end found out she woz straight, told her how amazin she woz she said thanx v.much then apologised but said i woz gorgeous (not sure whether to take it as a sympathy compliment) i said thanx and sorry but hey atleast i know.

later found out that girlie who had offered me a jelly tot woz interseted but the dude with her, to me sumed like he was really tryin to impress her and i thought maybe first date but then me friend told me he had said to her "shame ur a lesbian!" that woz obviously the bit where i went deaf for 10 seconds!

so part from making dick of me self, not aceptin jelly tot coz had chewing gum, bein squished by sweaty men (squished by nice ladies woz . . ,the good part) havin a scary girl starin at me the whole night, not hearin the lesbian part, recognisin a girl but couldnt work out where i know her from ( i think she may hav been a promotion peep at tesco's) (yeah i worked for tesco's

to buy dc martens or not buy??

*Buck... buck... buck.... BUCK-AHHHHH!*
Buy the docs!