The other day looking through I saw a post by @bluenicorn (it had to do with the love in her set which if you haven’t seen it you really have to) and we got talking about numbers and how amazing it is to see patterns or repetition on numbers… ANYWAYS 😅 today I noticed this:
I thought it was cool 💖
Maybe we could get this set to have 666 comments 🤔
Have a great weekend ✨💖

Some great numbers indeed

Thank you @littlejohn22 I really like sequence in numbers, the fact that there is a 2 and the 666 on both counts I really enjoy, I think it looks aesthetic, for example right now I live in a house number 686 I LOVE this number, and 8 is infinite ♾ if you turn it so 686 eternally hahah sorry for my morning random thoughts