The UPS man just touched my freakin chest....I went outside to sign for a package and I guess he noticed I wasn't wearing a bra... He asked about the school name on my shirt and when he handed me the package part of his hand touched my boob. It was a little funny but creepy...what the fuck. I'm unsure if I should be pissed off or just laugh about it. I know my boyfriend is going to be angry if I tell him about it...hmmmm

I think that at the next party I go to though, I'm gonna put the magnets on the refrigerator.
I think that would be pretty funny: for these people to get up the next day and find a bunch of alphabet shaped magnets on the fridge that they didn't have before.
It would just be so bizarre.
As for the UPS guy...
They do that to me all the time too.
They notice I'm not wearing boxer shorts or whatever and then they always brush a hand up against one of my boys.
It's so rude.