2 weeks ago I made posts on both my Instagtam accounts.
Reached out to countless people (as best I could for somebody who only half heartedly wanted help) and nobody except my ex and apparently a few people he later called upon (I was un aware of) reacted.
I even told my Mum.
I needed help, I was suicidal. Every body says they want to know when I feel like shit but doesn't take me seriously when it gets as serious as it can get.
This post isn't for attention to me, nor do I want to tell my story a million times to different people.
But you all need to open your eyes up to the SIGNS OF SUICIDAL TENDENCIES really.
Being suicidal I posted onto my SG Instagram account, and somebody reported my post very quickly. It wasn't even stepping over guidelines. They just didn't like realising I had fresh cuts on my legs I guess....
But on a less passive agresssive note, i repeat, you all need to be more aware of suicidal tendencies. Please. A coma is not a place you want to find out your family has been watching you be in, I recently found out.
Its hard when you're in that head space to know who the right people to reach out to are there. Every body says they are, and some I believe would have been, but when you're in that zone, you are not thinking straight.
My ex come to my help. And HIS FRIENDS (more so my acquaintances because I only know them through him) saved my life. Because for some reason he's the only one that was there and knew it was serious.
I want to make a point too on how people can look at my nudes all the want but how many people are shocked in real life of my self harm damage. I think ill make this text post into a video when it's not the middle of the night.