So a few months ago, I saw clips on tik tok of the show Charmed. I grew up watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I had heard how Charmed was up the same alley so I figured I should give it a chance and watch the show. I had also heard the rumors behind Shannen Doherty and Alyssa Milano so that pushed me even further to watch and see if I was able to see their true feelings towards each other on the show. I started the show and I will admit, it had moments that made me roll my eyes. Specifically in the first season when the sisters had just gotten their powers and were fighting these demons that never end, each one stronger than the previous one causing them to have to find the right way to vanquish them but the sisters would make comments like "I don't know how to vanquish this demon, we have never fought any like this before." Obviously you have never fought one like this before, you just got your powers and are just now learning there are different kinds of demons!
Despite the moments that made me cringe, I felt committed to finish watching all the seasons. Even once I fell in love with Pru Halliwell and I knew she would be kicked off the show at some point because I knew of the drama behind the scenes which is how Rose McGowan became part of the show. I did end up liking the show. This however is how I ended up going down the rabbit hole. It started with seeing clips of Shannen Doherty being interviewed at cons and her talking about how she ended up being fired from the show which she was devastated when that happened. I knew of Shannen because I love the Kevin Smith movie Mallrats where she played Rene. Also made a cameo in his other movie Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. I thought she was so beautiful and funny, just overall crush type written all over her. I know I had seen on the news or social media that she had passed recently and I think I saw it was from cancer but I started to look for more info on her and I found her podcast "Lets Be Clear". Let me just tell you, I am wrecked.
I have not finished all the episodes from her podcast because it takes an emotional toll on me listening to it. I didn't realize when she had started it was 12/2023 and she passed away 7/2024. It is so hard listening to how positive she was on her podcast and her guests all would say over and over again how she would be around for years, that she was not going anywhere anytime soon. She would constantly talk about her plans, her dreams, how much she was loving life that she considered to be a gift everyday she woke up. She talked about her truth and what really happened with her being fired on 90210-which I'm trying to watch for the first time right now- and also what happened that caused her to be fired from the show she really loved, Charmed. She was a huge advocate for animals and wanted to spread awareness for all things cancer. The last episode on her podcast she uploaded was with her guest Holly Marie Combs, her sister on Charmed. They were just laughing and having a good time talking about their new project, a podcast called "The House of Halliwell". They were going to rewatch the show Charmed together and discuss it on the podcast along with two other cast members of the show. They were so excited to start watching the show so they could talk about it on that new podcast which would air July 7th, 2024. She passed away just a few days later on July 13th, 2024. I can't even explain it but I started to cry like a baby, as if I personally knew her. Its hard to keep listening to the podcast knowing she is gone and knowing she thought she had more time.
I know my little blog is a little long and I have no pictures to post along with it but I had no one to talk to about this because no one in my personal life has watched Charmed or cares about the podcast or the actress that was dragged in the media for being young or standing up for herself. I feel like listening to her has changed me in the sense that I appreciate my life a little more and feel like I should not waste energy on negativity. If you haven't seen the show Charmed, I think you should give it a shot. If you would like to know more about the person Shannen was, listen to her podcast. We hear this all the time and rarely believe it but its true what they say, we never know when our last day will be so don't waste it. Live your life well and tell those you love how much you love them. I've been pretty sad because of this little rabbit hole but I do also feel grateful for the life I have right now. I don't know how many people on here will be able to relate or even know what I'm talking about but if anyone else was a fan of Shannen Doherty or the show Charmed, I am always eager to talk about it.
RIP Shannen Dohrety