ok so i just sent in my second set...hope it gets accepted
i cooked tonight... pancakes, eggs and bacon MmM...it was yummy...
katy is sick andi had to make her eat a hearty meal!...and feed everyone else too... im all full tired and cold..so fuckin cold outside!...its to cold to work in the lawn..i wanted to do that tomorrow
but hopefully it wont be all that cold...
ill post pics later...katy and i took pics on her phone and she cant get them to uplaod to the computer so il post them later... *now its later* hehe they are silly so here you go
they arent that great but they are funny so ENJOY THEM I SAY MWAHAHRHARHARHHAR
oh i cut my hair too
im going to go see about going to college this coming year... so tomorrow i should go up to the school and talk to them about it...
ill prove my mother wrong...she said i would never amount to anything and thinks im worthless...pshhh fuck her..ill dol this without her help!..
i call her last night cuz i miss her voice and i actually do miss her...and what does she do?..makes me feel like total shit..got off the phone with her i cried for an hour straight... she does hurt my heart very well..she knows what gets me and is too blunt sometimes... im ugly to her just because i have a nose ring... please...cant she just be open minded one day?...ehhh

i cooked tonight... pancakes, eggs and bacon MmM...it was yummy...
katy is sick andi had to make her eat a hearty meal!...and feed everyone else too... im all full tired and cold..so fuckin cold outside!...its to cold to work in the lawn..i wanted to do that tomorrow

ill post pics later...katy and i took pics on her phone and she cant get them to uplaod to the computer so il post them later... *now its later* hehe they are silly so here you go

they arent that great but they are funny so ENJOY THEM I SAY MWAHAHRHARHARHHAR
oh i cut my hair too

im going to go see about going to college this coming year... so tomorrow i should go up to the school and talk to them about it...

I bought her something for her a toaster for her birthday because she always some kind of kitchen thing. So she looks at it and goes 'But what am I gonna do with my old one, I've had since before you were born??' So I told her I'd return it and she says, 'Oh no. its ok. I'll put it here.. but I really don't want to get rid of my old one. I'm gonna miss it so much if I get rid of it, maybe I'll just keep the old one underneath the counter in the cabinet.' I'm like.. Jesus Christ.. you can't even lie to me and tell me that you love it like any respecting person would do. Even if you absolutely hate something you should always have the manners to lie to the person and tell them you like it... especially when its your daughter.
It's like.. nothing is ever good enough. And then it seems like what I do reflects that because I start to believe her so I start fucking things up. I was 3.7 all thru high school (which I was always told I could have done better)and then when I went to college I dropped out before the first semester ended.. and I've gone back three times but keep dropping out. And everytime she says.. I knew you shouldn't have gone back. You always start things you don't finish.
Do they understand how much they are fucking with our heads when they say shit like that.. what the fuck?!?!?!
Jesus Lord Christ.. so sorry to be rambling on and on like a freak, but I Really had to vent.