really, why do we even tell the kids to come to school in june? if you're gonna throw backpacks at each other, just stay home. it'll make life much simpler for all of us. show up for graduation, and get your report cards, and then DON'T EFFING TALK TO ME. I CAN'T DEAL WITH YOUR CRAZY ALL DAY.
actually my 8th graders read with pre-k today, and it was so cute to see my big kids with the little ones. some of them that are unable to sit still for a whole class period were perfect on the rugs with 4 year olds for a whole hour. kind of incredible. i actually wish i would have done it sooner in the year.
mah, that ends the blog on too happy of a note. um... i hate teenagers, as i hate all montagues, and thee.
actually my 8th graders read with pre-k today, and it was so cute to see my big kids with the little ones. some of them that are unable to sit still for a whole class period were perfect on the rugs with 4 year olds for a whole hour. kind of incredible. i actually wish i would have done it sooner in the year.
mah, that ends the blog on too happy of a note. um... i hate teenagers, as i hate all montagues, and thee.
I agree with Martini. 

Kids are so over rated