Well, it has been a wild and hectic week for the Melly.
Been working my butt off in the retail slavery world, getting some stuff together, etc, etc.,..
I was pleasantly surprised when I came home from work to find a box from Amazon on my doorstep, thanks so much to TimToxic for that. It made me smile. See?--->
Thursday, I went to see shawnAPT2 's band, QuoteUnquote play at the Rudyard Kipling, it was great, as per usual. I had a gas! Maddy , Dirtlits , Pyrate , Monkeytail , Lillie , and of course the rest of the Louisville crew were there,so yeah, shame on you locals that didn't make it.
I still love you guys though.
I am thinking of purchasing a digital drum kit, it is kinda expensive for a novice drum player, but I am seriously considering shelling out the large amount of cash I don't have for it though. All for the sake of art, right?
Not much else happening, the TRIPLE P is slowly but surely coming together, Urn finally has access to a bass, so yeah. We shall be making it to a club near you. At some point. Maybe,. Possibly. Or something.
Johnny Depp is god, I am sure of that. Yes.
Still waiting on my tax return money, I need it.
Saw the New Star Wars Episode 3 trailer, I almost came on myself.
Getting excited at the idea of going to the Star Wars Celebration 3 convention next month. So so excited.
Got Chrome Yellow eyeshadow, courtesy of my friend Urn. I am going to take some pics of it, as it is exciting to see yellow eyeshadow. Methinks.
I think I am becoming a cam-whore, because I cannot stop taking pictures.
Also to those who have been asking, my latest submitted set has been accepted, but I cannot tell you when it is going up, as I don't even know.
Love love kiss kiss guys!
Bonus! Me and my cigarette addiction.

Been working my butt off in the retail slavery world, getting some stuff together, etc, etc.,..
I was pleasantly surprised when I came home from work to find a box from Amazon on my doorstep, thanks so much to TimToxic for that. It made me smile. See?--->

Thursday, I went to see shawnAPT2 's band, QuoteUnquote play at the Rudyard Kipling, it was great, as per usual. I had a gas! Maddy , Dirtlits , Pyrate , Monkeytail , Lillie , and of course the rest of the Louisville crew were there,so yeah, shame on you locals that didn't make it.

I am thinking of purchasing a digital drum kit, it is kinda expensive for a novice drum player, but I am seriously considering shelling out the large amount of cash I don't have for it though. All for the sake of art, right?
Not much else happening, the TRIPLE P is slowly but surely coming together, Urn finally has access to a bass, so yeah. We shall be making it to a club near you. At some point. Maybe,. Possibly. Or something.
Johnny Depp is god, I am sure of that. Yes.
Still waiting on my tax return money, I need it.
Saw the New Star Wars Episode 3 trailer, I almost came on myself.
Getting excited at the idea of going to the Star Wars Celebration 3 convention next month. So so excited.
Got Chrome Yellow eyeshadow, courtesy of my friend Urn. I am going to take some pics of it, as it is exciting to see yellow eyeshadow. Methinks.
I think I am becoming a cam-whore, because I cannot stop taking pictures.
Also to those who have been asking, my latest submitted set has been accepted, but I cannot tell you when it is going up, as I don't even know.
Love love kiss kiss guys!
Bonus! Me and my cigarette addiction.

and your addiction suits you very fine