How the hell is everyone? I have been working a lot. As usual. I haven't been up to anything much. Just hanging out.
I started getting back into drawing and painting. I have turned many of my loved ones into half human half cartoon zombies. It is fun. I am so fucking lazy, I really should scan the images and post them on here, I'll get around to it.
I also got muh hair did, it's cute. It's reddish and long and layered and oh so purty. You should see!! That is, if I ever get around to posting pictures. I need to get on that, soon.
I am sure you are all aware, as I am, that George Bush is a fucking wanker without honerable intentions and his administration is taking away our rights as Americans one by one. What with the US Supreme Court (of which includes 2 Justiices personally appointed by Mr. Bushie) upholding a ban on the partial birth abortion act. It really bums me out man. What with the ban on smoking in your own fucking apartment in certain CA communities. They might as well make smoking illegal, the rate their going. I enjoy smoking, I know I'm fucking stupid. But that's my right, my personal choice. Fuck you Mr. Bush.
I started getting back into drawing and painting. I have turned many of my loved ones into half human half cartoon zombies. It is fun. I am so fucking lazy, I really should scan the images and post them on here, I'll get around to it.
I also got muh hair did, it's cute. It's reddish and long and layered and oh so purty. You should see!! That is, if I ever get around to posting pictures. I need to get on that, soon.
I am sure you are all aware, as I am, that George Bush is a fucking wanker without honerable intentions and his administration is taking away our rights as Americans one by one. What with the US Supreme Court (of which includes 2 Justiices personally appointed by Mr. Bushie) upholding a ban on the partial birth abortion act. It really bums me out man. What with the ban on smoking in your own fucking apartment in certain CA communities. They might as well make smoking illegal, the rate their going. I enjoy smoking, I know I'm fucking stupid. But that's my right, my personal choice. Fuck you Mr. Bush.

lets see that hair did lady!