Heya did you all have a fun Halloween? We went to 2 different parties, and I didn't get tanked liked I had hoped, but oh well. I suppose there are more opportunites for that in the near future!
I went as Baby from House of 1000 Corpses, and it turned out alright ,I suppose. Here is a picture of me and Dirtlits, who decided he was a backwoods Kentucky Redneck. It is chilling how close to the truth it is:
Got my Revenge of the Sith DVD.... it is really all over now... dunno what I am going to do without a new Star Wars movie to look forward to..... sigh.
I went as Baby from House of 1000 Corpses, and it turned out alright ,I suppose. Here is a picture of me and Dirtlits, who decided he was a backwoods Kentucky Redneck. It is chilling how close to the truth it is:

Got my Revenge of the Sith DVD.... it is really all over now... dunno what I am going to do without a new Star Wars movie to look forward to..... sigh.
you guys look great, and don't worry there will be more stars wars movies to look forward to. The remestered versions, the box sets, the gold box sets, the 25th aniversery box sets, the new version where they add in the bigger wookie battle that should have been in rots. It's never over when it's Lucas.

often people say they know people who know people...but i just became friends w/ bob weinstein's daughter (of miramax) and she is going to some g lucas thing. i may be as well. arent you jealous?