Yeah, its easy as, you don't even have to do anything to it!

Just click save as, and under the part where you name it there should be a type, just hit the scroll down box and check jpeg and you're done!
Oh and I think you would be a friggin awesome hopeful!
Morning All,
I hope you all had a wonderful sleep? I didn't have a good 1st half of my sleep... There was a gross and scary storm and tornato warning that kept me up... But in time I did fall asleep. YAY!!! Lol

The only downer was I was all on my own and I had to sleep in clothes... Lol you know just in...
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today was most likely the worst day i have ever had! and now i am along in this fucking strom... and i hate stroms...

i just want to sleep and hope that tomorrow is a better day!

i am feeling like i am in a really dark place... and i just want to get out of it... frown
i'm sooo looking forward to my workout today. i have a lot to workout... everything i thought was going to plan is going to shit! and it all happened in one day! this weekend is going to happen, my friend bailed and want to do it in a couple weeks... so now i have nothing to look forward to this weekend... yay.

today is my...
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Packing, then flying down to Sydney (my old stomping grounds) for a week and a half. Shopping and gigs!

Its funny, winter is slowly ending here (not that it was much of a winter, one day of COLD weather isn't a real winter) and I am feeling bummed about that. It'll be mid 30C and a billion percent humidity in no time frown

Enjoy your exercise!
Happy Sunday!

OMG! Last night was soo much fun! I got SOOOO DRUNK! there is a few spots that i cant recall... but i didnt get out of hand... at least i dont think so... lol

we ended up playing this card game that you haveto do what the card is daring you to do... i'm pretty sure i won that game.. lol i cant...
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Sunday by default is all up under the covers day!
Yeah bed is pretty boring on a Sunday if there is only one person in it!
Hey All, smile
So today went SOOO well! Started my day at the gym... Got to do some boxing and kick boxing! AWESOME!!!! And my trainer said I have a pretty good hit! YAY! So looking forward to next week when we start some more boxing! biggrin

After the gym I went to the beach for most of my day with my cousin! Than asa she got...
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lol well there are jab, cross, hook, uppercut like that wink
very cool, keep kicking ass tongue
Morning All,
I really hope everyone is having a fab friday! Lol (yeah I know how chessy that sound... Lol) I'm up and pumped to go to the gym! (Insert some form of flexing... Lol)

OK, ok, I know I'm in a funny/silly mood! Lol I'm enjoying it tho! Lol

I'm hoping everyone is going to enjoy this sunny friday!?!? Everyone sound be just as...
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I'm working all weekend... and am just about to head to the airport to pick up mum from the airport yay!
I'm loving the beach! I hope everyone else is have a good day. smile

I'm loving the family time I'm getting with my cuz! Lol

I have missed spending time with her! smile
hey all, (BIG WAVES)
so i hope everyone has been having a great day! i'm sooo happy to have a day off tomorrow and cant wait till i get to the beach tomorrow and relax and have some girl time! smile

so i'm watching big brother and i'm thinking that i could soo do this show and i could WIN! hahahaaha
wow there is sooo much...
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I'm watching big brother, wish both cry baby Rachel and Brendon were voted off. Enjoy your day at the beach, I start my 3 day work weekend tomarrow,,,,,,uggggg,,, mad
Restriction is the word of sin!

So don't beat yourself up about eating a pizza.
Morning All,
so my morning has started off pretty good. i got up made my breakfast... and now i a, getting all my stuff ready to go to the gym and workout with my trainer... yay! i think i might do my hour of cardio too... so there goes 2 hours of my day... than i will be coming home and getting ready for my...
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Wooo for boring week blogs! Hi
Yeah, my goofy efin smile I cant seem to get right LOL

Nah, no reunion but my brother becomes a man next week so every one is coming in early to visit grand kids and what not....

Have fun at the gym!

And I will give a super awesome mega bear hug when I see her today!
so my day was pretty good... slowly everything is seeming to get back to normal... well my old normal... which was pretty filled with work... and since i am only working part time hours right now... i guess i'm a little stressed. but i am trying to not let it get to me.

keeping my thoughts out of my head... and putting them on to...
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What movie?

My day was pretty wicked aye.... My Nan landed so I rocked over to my brothers and got my hug quota! Mum lands tomorrow and so does dad.... Cant wait...