I wrote a final essay for my English Class..As I was taking my final, my professor, Dr.Clark had looked over it, and before I left the classroom, she told me that she thought I was an amazing writer. She told me not to forget about the Literary Magazine
, because she wants me there. It made me feel sowoo mo'fuggin jolly..Writing is my life, my heart goes BOOM BOOM BOOM whenever somebody mentions something regarding my writing, good bad or indifferent..
Sowoo here is the essay I wrote..
..My Professor commented on the bottom of the paper "What a wonderful essay!!. You should really considering entering it in a essay contest! A!!"
Muwahahahaha, Don't I have the BIIGGEST Mooost HUMUNGUS brain EVER?
..DuuH cuz I'm the Champio00n
. I need a kit Kat Bar!
So heres my essay hoes
..Feel free to tell me what you think.
Assisted Suicide
My grandmother passed away due to Leukemia when I was eight years old. I adored her with every molecule of my being. I witnessed firsthand my grandmother's essence begin to diminish, and as her health began to fail, in turn making the pain within my heart grow stronger. I remember at one point asking her if she was afraid of dying. I will never forget the sadness which sparkled within her honey colored eyes, as she responded she was more afraid of the pain. From that moment on her voluptuous body transformed into a frail and weak structure, and her salt and pepper long wavy hair which I had always remembered admiring, was nothing more than a distant memory. The day my grandmother passed away, I don't remember shedding a tear. I watched her battle her disease full throttle with no avail, and perhaps my heart was finally relieved that I would no longer watch my grandmother suffer. I would no longer hear her quiet yet agonizing cries which escaped underneath her bedroom door every single time I came to visit my grandparent's house. She was finally free. This experience has helped me reevaluate my position on the controversial topic revolving around the issue of assisted suicide. I believe that if a person is suffering and there is no means available to offer relief for the pain they are enduring, that medical intervention should in fact be allowed.
To begin with, more than 12,090 animals were put to sleep last year due to some incurable disease. More than half of the population in the United States has some sort pet within their home, which slowly but surely makes their ways into our lives, hearts, but most importantly, our families. Why is it okay when our pet is encountered an unfortunate and deadly disease that we choose to end their lives for the sake of no pain? I strongly believe that pain should not be measured between species. Simply because we are made different in our biology does not mean that we feel any different. Thousands of people die in the United States every year due to some sort of disease. More than half are struggling with the final chapters of diseases which offer them nothing but pain. If there is no hope available for an individual then why let them suffer? I think no one should be the judge of what is best for an individual then the individual themselves.
In addition, many families need to make incredibly significant financial and emotional sacrifices simply to take care of their loved ones every year. According to a study in webmed.com, every five minutes a person suffers such a traumatic head injury that they go into a coma. About 15 percent of those cases will never recover completely from this trauma, losing major cognitive and motor skills. In turn they are left in a vegetative state, thus causing a massive strain on their families. Could you imagine living each day accompanied by nothing but sheer pain, and on top of all of that having to carry the burden that your family is struggling a great deal simply to take care of you. I think the thought is nothing but absolutely ridiculous, and the truth is unfortunately, this is far from a thought, it is reality.
In conclusion, I think the government should rethink their position concerning assisted suicide. Putting their stubbornness aside, those who oppose should take a moment simply to put themselves in the place to those who are suffering and simply living in pain to await death's arrival. I leave you now with a quote to ponder, a quote from a woman, Sue Rodriguez who forced the 'right to die' debate into the spotlight. "If I cannot give my consent to my own death then whose body is this? Who owns my life?"

Muwahahahaha, Don't I have the BIIGGEST Mooost HUMUNGUS brain EVER?

Assisted Suicide
My grandmother passed away due to Leukemia when I was eight years old. I adored her with every molecule of my being. I witnessed firsthand my grandmother's essence begin to diminish, and as her health began to fail, in turn making the pain within my heart grow stronger. I remember at one point asking her if she was afraid of dying. I will never forget the sadness which sparkled within her honey colored eyes, as she responded she was more afraid of the pain. From that moment on her voluptuous body transformed into a frail and weak structure, and her salt and pepper long wavy hair which I had always remembered admiring, was nothing more than a distant memory. The day my grandmother passed away, I don't remember shedding a tear. I watched her battle her disease full throttle with no avail, and perhaps my heart was finally relieved that I would no longer watch my grandmother suffer. I would no longer hear her quiet yet agonizing cries which escaped underneath her bedroom door every single time I came to visit my grandparent's house. She was finally free. This experience has helped me reevaluate my position on the controversial topic revolving around the issue of assisted suicide. I believe that if a person is suffering and there is no means available to offer relief for the pain they are enduring, that medical intervention should in fact be allowed.
To begin with, more than 12,090 animals were put to sleep last year due to some incurable disease. More than half of the population in the United States has some sort pet within their home, which slowly but surely makes their ways into our lives, hearts, but most importantly, our families. Why is it okay when our pet is encountered an unfortunate and deadly disease that we choose to end their lives for the sake of no pain? I strongly believe that pain should not be measured between species. Simply because we are made different in our biology does not mean that we feel any different. Thousands of people die in the United States every year due to some sort of disease. More than half are struggling with the final chapters of diseases which offer them nothing but pain. If there is no hope available for an individual then why let them suffer? I think no one should be the judge of what is best for an individual then the individual themselves.
In addition, many families need to make incredibly significant financial and emotional sacrifices simply to take care of their loved ones every year. According to a study in webmed.com, every five minutes a person suffers such a traumatic head injury that they go into a coma. About 15 percent of those cases will never recover completely from this trauma, losing major cognitive and motor skills. In turn they are left in a vegetative state, thus causing a massive strain on their families. Could you imagine living each day accompanied by nothing but sheer pain, and on top of all of that having to carry the burden that your family is struggling a great deal simply to take care of you. I think the thought is nothing but absolutely ridiculous, and the truth is unfortunately, this is far from a thought, it is reality.
In conclusion, I think the government should rethink their position concerning assisted suicide. Putting their stubbornness aside, those who oppose should take a moment simply to put themselves in the place to those who are suffering and simply living in pain to await death's arrival. I leave you now with a quote to ponder, a quote from a woman, Sue Rodriguez who forced the 'right to die' debate into the spotlight. "If I cannot give my consent to my own death then whose body is this? Who owns my life?"

Hope yours gets accepted!!