"more afraid of life, then death..??" [Feb. 14th, 2007|02:59 pm]
We had an armed robbery at the store..
I had a gun pointed at my head today. Its ironic how many times throughout this lifetime of mine, where I 've contemplated the thought of suicide. The emotion of lacking purpose would drown me in its absolute magnitude. Who would have thought that I would ever encounter a moment like this?..I've never been so terrified in my life..I really did think this morning was the last time I'd ever be on this earth again. Its funny, how susceptible we all are to want so much from life...It always something no?..Either you need more money, more friends, its always something..
The only thing I thought of was my family at home..and my family at work..and how insane I ever was to ever want less from life..Yet to want so much more as well.
I've got the most beautiful story going on right now..the most amuusing and happiest life, with the most amazing people who have changed me in ways one could never even imagine..And more then half of them don't even know it..
To ever want less..or more..is senseless..When you cannot even appreciate now.
We had an armed robbery at the store..
I had a gun pointed at my head today. Its ironic how many times throughout this lifetime of mine, where I 've contemplated the thought of suicide. The emotion of lacking purpose would drown me in its absolute magnitude. Who would have thought that I would ever encounter a moment like this?..I've never been so terrified in my life..I really did think this morning was the last time I'd ever be on this earth again. Its funny, how susceptible we all are to want so much from life...It always something no?..Either you need more money, more friends, its always something..
The only thing I thought of was my family at home..and my family at work..and how insane I ever was to ever want less from life..Yet to want so much more as well.
I've got the most beautiful story going on right now..the most amuusing and happiest life, with the most amazing people who have changed me in ways one could never even imagine..And more then half of them don't even know it..
To ever want less..or more..is senseless..When you cannot even appreciate now.