I was so mo'fuggin jolly when I found out they were going to be posting new sets every hour, until the new year. Somebody definitely wants to give thiis heart of mine a ginormous heart attack =)..Isn't that considered lethal overdose or something in that matter?
I feel really sleepyheaded today
I've worked seven days straight so far
Who would have imagined we'd be so busy after christmas?
I gave my skateboard away to the new brazilian dude, so I need to get a new one a.s.a.p style =) I picked out this beauuutiful one with a scary goddess on it
.. I luuuh it..
Seeing all these sets, inspires me to want to do my own..But i must have patience
I want my set to be perfect soo nooooo rushing into things marshmellooo, without having a clear picture in what exactly you want to do, ANNND having the means to do it
..See, I learn from my mistakes
awwies, I need to sleep, I have to work tomorrow at seven in da mornin' =) I'm a soooilder foo lyfe
And I shall depart with two pictures from my rejected set, which i affectionately refer to now as "Loooser
"...I cross my whole widest of heart I'll make some time to post them in my album this week..

I feel really sleepyheaded today

Seeing all these sets, inspires me to want to do my own..But i must have patience

awwies, I need to sleep, I have to work tomorrow at seven in da mornin' =) I'm a soooilder foo lyfe

And I shall depart with two pictures from my rejected set, which i affectionately refer to now as "Loooser