Tallahasee! GD thats a long ways away. but hey if i ever get there youll be the first to know.
Jealous? hells bells. theres no way i could restrain myself from your excrutiatingly wicked pure animal allure. id be on you like white on rice suga!
I took alot from your experience. and i thank you from the bottom of my soul for sharing it with me.
im doing ok. i got a little sleep last night. was sure glad to wake up to seeing you on here!
how are you doing? get your fan all cleaned up yet?
its sweet you think i like you more than anyone. cuz i do!
i know u get tons of comments and stuff, glad i stand out in the crowd!
im gonna take some new pics soon. post em in here.
nightvixen and i are going to come and kidnap you. go on a road trip. get peirced and stuff
have you seen gypsy 83 yet? put it on your wishlist sweetness and its yours.
have you ever read the Erotic Adventures of Sleeping Beauty trilogy by Anne rice? you should
love you too hot stuff.
talk to you soon
and for everyone else hellllllllllllllllo im ok.
i have a new story brewing so stay tuned!
much love to my friends
ALL SHALL BOW DOWN AND GIVE MAD ZOMBIE LOVE TO xip because she deserves it!
xip theres a poll goin on one of the boards for fav sg guess who i picked and you win a prize
Tallahasee! GD thats a long ways away. but hey if i ever get there youll be the first to know.
Jealous? hells bells. theres no way i could restrain myself from your excrutiatingly wicked pure animal allure. id be on you like white on rice suga!
I took alot from your experience. and i thank you from the bottom of my soul for sharing it with me.
im doing ok. i got a little sleep last night. was sure glad to wake up to seeing you on here!
how are you doing? get your fan all cleaned up yet?
its sweet you think i like you more than anyone. cuz i do!
i know u get tons of comments and stuff, glad i stand out in the crowd!
im gonna take some new pics soon. post em in here.
nightvixen and i are going to come and kidnap you. go on a road trip. get peirced and stuff

have you seen gypsy 83 yet? put it on your wishlist sweetness and its yours.
have you ever read the Erotic Adventures of Sleeping Beauty trilogy by Anne rice? you should
love you too hot stuff.
talk to you soon

and for everyone else hellllllllllllllllo im ok.
i have a new story brewing so stay tuned!
much love to my friends
ALL SHALL BOW DOWN AND GIVE MAD ZOMBIE LOVE TO xip because she deserves it!
xip theres a poll goin on one of the boards for fav sg guess who i picked and you win a prize

well talk to you soon,hit me on yahoooooooo later!