i was 15 years old, on my own, loose in Chicago and i found myself at a grateful dead concert. No one knew it would be jerrys last, or we would have stayed sober and watched. Instead we went in search of what everone goes looking for at a dead show : drugs. on the way to the acid man, we met the niitrus man. Now, i had never done that so i figured why the hell not, i was wickedly stoned from smoking with the glass blower who made the awesome bowl every, and eating a half dozen of the purest pot bownies on the planet, and hell this niturs stuff was in pretty balloons! so sure 3 for 10 bucks hell yea! bring it on! no softcore for me fuckars lets get ripped! Note: this is when i lost my shoes, i dont know why but all of a sudden they werent on my feet. Good this this is july i think. and continue on. to give you a picture, stoned smile on my face hippy clothes right down to a flower thingy on my head, a balloon in each hand and one in my mouth barefoot. walking around with a guy from lincoln newbraska, and he had a red dog.
finding the acid man was easy. 5 hits a piece of some white paper stuff that had jerrys pic on it. Like i said, Lets get RIPPED!
45 minutes later i think, i found myself back at the van sitting sucking on this ballon as the acid starts to creep over me like a lover. warm inching up under my skin slowly making my vision change..things around me beging to wave, and sounds began to sound like they had a bass booster attached and across the way i see her dancing around a fire. someones beating drums somewhere but on nitru everything kind of blends into one rhythmic beat. the fire is glowing, and she is radiant. i want to go to her but im stuck to the van with some kinda of glue..oh yea..the drugs...thats right..i will my legs to move to walk to her....somehow im there..next to her...wow...howd i do that? oh well, walk it off. offer this magnificant creature a balloon.. she smiles and takes it touching your hand.
Christ shes on fire! i lean in to say something, something like your awe inspiring, but the roar of the drums in too much..i cant talk over it and dam i dont want to yell at this delicate thing she may break! take a deep breath and touch her face she twirls light trailing every which way smelling her flowery purfume....im walking away i see her lover standing near..leering.
no way not when im tripping like this.no fights. back to the van and this wondrous night filled with music and sounds and poetry. my i wote some of the most bewildering things that night. it was a whole lot of fun. i can say i had a good trip. we played round til after dawn and then slept on the beach. all 6 of us wrapped up in a bunch of bajas smoking a joint watching the sunrise over lake michigan.
and thats my first acid expierence in a nutshell. theres much more i could tell but, mabey some other day.
kiss kiss
finding the acid man was easy. 5 hits a piece of some white paper stuff that had jerrys pic on it. Like i said, Lets get RIPPED!
45 minutes later i think, i found myself back at the van sitting sucking on this ballon as the acid starts to creep over me like a lover. warm inching up under my skin slowly making my vision change..things around me beging to wave, and sounds began to sound like they had a bass booster attached and across the way i see her dancing around a fire. someones beating drums somewhere but on nitru everything kind of blends into one rhythmic beat. the fire is glowing, and she is radiant. i want to go to her but im stuck to the van with some kinda of glue..oh yea..the drugs...thats right..i will my legs to move to walk to her....somehow im there..next to her...wow...howd i do that? oh well, walk it off. offer this magnificant creature a balloon.. she smiles and takes it touching your hand.
Christ shes on fire! i lean in to say something, something like your awe inspiring, but the roar of the drums in too much..i cant talk over it and dam i dont want to yell at this delicate thing she may break! take a deep breath and touch her face she twirls light trailing every which way smelling her flowery purfume....im walking away i see her lover standing near..leering.
no way not when im tripping like this.no fights. back to the van and this wondrous night filled with music and sounds and poetry. my i wote some of the most bewildering things that night. it was a whole lot of fun. i can say i had a good trip. we played round til after dawn and then slept on the beach. all 6 of us wrapped up in a bunch of bajas smoking a joint watching the sunrise over lake michigan.
and thats my first acid expierence in a nutshell. theres much more i could tell but, mabey some other day.
kiss kiss