i used to be meaningful, insightful, poetic, complex and mysterious and smart and witty.
my journals used to reflect this
then i lost the thread
it broke, in my hand right as i was typing the meaning of life
i havent yet recovered
ive been subdued, subletting my muse to the hobo down the street
what happened to my meaning?
where did my words go
where am i at?
if you see me, can you let me know?
there are probably parts of me scattered all over the place
fragments of an outline
fill the color in later, the original is in gray
use that yummy art paste from grade school please
"All that lives, lives forever.
only the shell, the perishable, passes away.
The Soul lives on
my journals used to reflect this
then i lost the thread
it broke, in my hand right as i was typing the meaning of life
i havent yet recovered
ive been subdued, subletting my muse to the hobo down the street
what happened to my meaning?
where did my words go
where am i at?
if you see me, can you let me know?
there are probably parts of me scattered all over the place
fragments of an outline
fill the color in later, the original is in gray
use that yummy art paste from grade school please
"All that lives, lives forever.
only the shell, the perishable, passes away.
The Soul lives on

happy turkey day!