So its time I write a blog....
I am never on here much, but I feel like starting soon I will be. I have been going through a pretty stressful time lately and someone suggested I write about it. So here I am...not sure if anybody will read it but lets give it a go!
So as many of you know I moved 6 hours North of home to go to school for ultrasound. My plan was to do three semesters up here and go home for my placement (because there is a placement in a clinic from where I am from) lucky me...I got my placement in my home town. A couple weeks back I went home. Secured an apartment, my husband found work (p.s I got married to my favourite ginger
) and all was dandy. Then about a week after I was called into my schools health sciences office only to find out my placement dropped out...FACK! Seriously? my school is super unprofessional so I should have seen it coming. Now currently I am moving up to bum-f-nowhere for my placement. It is 22 hours North with no mall, shoppers, timmies nothing. I cried for a week straight when I found out. I considered dropping out and just finding a monda-to-friday job and doing make-up on the side. By the way I am certified make-up artist....Please go check out my page and like it here------>Melissa O(make-up artist)
But honestly I can't do that. I love ultrasound...Like its the only thing in healthcare I can stand doing. If I could have it my way I would be a make-up artist and pinup model for the rest of my life. By the way I have been doing some modelling lately!
I actually have been published in three magazines now!!! You can check it out at my modeling lots of more pics
----------------->Melissa's Modeling page
So yeah...I have over 30 thousand dollars in debt to so I can't afford to just drop out and get a minimum wage here I go...up to no where. I keep telling myself its only a year...only a year!!! So I will probably be updating a lot on here now
My plan is to move up north and work out and come back looking toned and awesome lol.
But a apartment? The lease? My sister-in-law is the bestest of life and she is going to live there while we are gone for the year and pay amazing is that?
So I am still doing can checkout out my sets and send me love here-------->Zivity!
I feel like I am doing way too much self promotion in this blog...haha oh well!
More news! I got an amazing pinup tattoo!!!
Anyways thanks if you did read this big blog! I hope to update again soon!
xo Melley
I am never on here much, but I feel like starting soon I will be. I have been going through a pretty stressful time lately and someone suggested I write about it. So here I am...not sure if anybody will read it but lets give it a go!
So as many of you know I moved 6 hours North of home to go to school for ultrasound. My plan was to do three semesters up here and go home for my placement (because there is a placement in a clinic from where I am from) lucky me...I got my placement in my home town. A couple weeks back I went home. Secured an apartment, my husband found work (p.s I got married to my favourite ginger

But honestly I can't do that. I love ultrasound...Like its the only thing in healthcare I can stand doing. If I could have it my way I would be a make-up artist and pinup model for the rest of my life. By the way I have been doing some modelling lately!

I actually have been published in three magazines now!!! You can check it out at my modeling lots of more pics

So yeah...I have over 30 thousand dollars in debt to so I can't afford to just drop out and get a minimum wage here I go...up to no where. I keep telling myself its only a year...only a year!!! So I will probably be updating a lot on here now

But a apartment? The lease? My sister-in-law is the bestest of life and she is going to live there while we are gone for the year and pay amazing is that?
So I am still doing can checkout out my sets and send me love here-------->Zivity!
I feel like I am doing way too much self promotion in this blog...haha oh well!
More news! I got an amazing pinup tattoo!!!

Anyways thanks if you did read this big blog! I hope to update again soon!

xo Melley
I hope writing about it helped <3