"I'm so happy 'cause today I found my friends
They're in my head" - Kurt Cobain
@fredhincanada hahaha love it!
@weedfarmer thank you!! 😊
"I'm so happy 'cause today I found my friends
They're in my head" - Kurt Cobain
16 years as a bartender, and I quit drinking 7 months ago. It's mostly an adventure in learning to feel feelings. How do you cope with losing friends? I know, they aren't really friends if they don't support you bettering yourself and your life, but cutting ties with friends of 15 years sucks, man. More feelings to feel 😜
📷 KF Photography ❤️
New year, new me, right? This year's goal is to stop spending money like Cardi B 😆 But seriously. Soooo I canceled my personal trainer and built a workout from ideas on Pinterest. The ab portion was a little weak but otherwise, not bad!