I don't think I am going to get out of celebrating my birthday this year. My guy seems pretty dead-set on doing something for me. Is it bad to tell them they've spent to much money on you? Cause he has but on the flip side I guess it's his money and he can spend it however he likes. It makes me nervous though. He even offered to pay for my stocking seams! I just stared at him in shock and said "Dude.. that's like 1,000.!" He just shrugged and said "So."
Men confuse me. Why would you spend that much money on some chic? I guess I don't want me to be in the "some chic" catergory but in the end truthfully that's all I am. So what, you hang out with me and get to have sex with me and it's pretty serious I guess but.. still.
Other than my impeding birthday and then my little brother getting to come home on leave in the begining of june not a whole lot going on. Can't wait to see my little brother though. Miss him so much. I freaked myself out the otherday when I started thinking about birthdays and then realized my guy is only barely two weeks older than my little bro. Was like OMG I'm ROBBING THE CRADLE! rofl@me I am going to fuck that poor kid up =(
Men confuse me. Why would you spend that much money on some chic? I guess I don't want me to be in the "some chic" catergory but in the end truthfully that's all I am. So what, you hang out with me and get to have sex with me and it's pretty serious I guess but.. still.
Other than my impeding birthday and then my little brother getting to come home on leave in the begining of june not a whole lot going on. Can't wait to see my little brother though. Miss him so much. I freaked myself out the otherday when I started thinking about birthdays and then realized my guy is only barely two weeks older than my little bro. Was like OMG I'm ROBBING THE CRADLE! rofl@me I am going to fuck that poor kid up =(

happy birthday, have a great one