resident evil is teh l33t. I finally got past the first big monster dude. He was like HUGE! and they stucked me in this tiny little arena with him and I'm like eeek

OMGS I so have to get new pics of me for my profile. I cut all my hair off to like 3/8s of an inch. I LOVE IT! I just wish everyone else...
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If being left alone makes you happy, maybe I shouldn't have posted this!!!
I try to be funny,.....
and fail.
Hey there and hello!
Edited to add...Do your dog and rat get along!? (just looked in your pics). How cool!!

[Edited on Jun 02, 2005 5:42PM]
You gotta love being female sometimes, don't you? The stuff we get away with! Ha! Congrats on the kitten. Mathias is pretty cool. I like that name. You should tape the dog and rat and send it into funniest home videos (yes, i'm a dork!). That'd rock!
I hate relationships, seriously. It seems that I get alot of "I just want to spend time with you" but then if they are around they are either A: playing a game and bitching me out if I try to talk to them or B: sleeping.

WTF! mad

My theory of the whole blasted lame fucking situation is "ok, spend time with me then, fucking talk...
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eeek whats wrong babe? *hugs*
I have to get the boy out of bed. I have to go see about the final drawing of my seams. Other than that uh.. nothing going on.
You were going to work with _SEVEN_, right? Doesn't look like he's updated his journal in the last couple of weeks. Maybe the guy's just offline for a while? I dunno.

Best of luck with whatever you decide to do.
Woot! Another year of life gone by. Happy birthday to me! Now to go take a nap so I won't be tired when I show up to my dead end job. I know it would never happen but I would be so totally happy if they gave me the white faced cockatiel. He is so awesome and loves me best, lol. Always giving me whistles...
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happy bday
Seams should cost probably $150 per leg at most. I mean it's just one line and a topper. $1,000 would be more like a full chest piece or a full sleeve.
I don't think I am going to get out of celebrating my birthday this year. My guy seems pretty dead-set on doing something for me. Is it bad to tell them they've spent to much money on you? Cause he has but on the flip side I guess it's his money and he can spend it however he likes. It makes me nervous though. He...
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happy birthday, have a great one smile
I have been looking at my page going hrm I need to update but seriously not alot going on. Besides my hating my job. Because I'm the only non-family member working there it seems I get blamed for everything, even when it's not my fault at all. I can only do so much! Sometimes I feel as if they own me. I have tried getting...
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*yawn* I need to get dressed and go to the store. I don't want to have to run around tomorrow. plus work in like 2 hours. I want to just relax tomorrow, although I might be partying tonight, so more like sleep all day tomorrow rofl.

ok so all my toons are on Xegony server now and I went back to The Rathe and made...
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yay for you being on Xegony lol! Those people are dumb for treating u like that. My friends are my friends no matter who they are on a digital game. Have fun partying if u do and if u dont have a good evening too. I'll be in game prob but afk most the night at least until Raist goes to sleep. He'll be here tomorrow too so probably wont be on the computer too much
till he gets picked up by his mom.
I hate life.

Actually no, let me re-iterate..

I hate my life.

hrm, yes much better. I think that about says it.

Good day to you and to all a good day, or some such bullshit. Why in the hell did that even pop into my head?
figured it was time for an update.

*thinks* oh yea. uhmm last night we weren't doing much of anything. Got together with John and Jonathon at John's house. All the boys started playing Halo2. I went outside to have a smoke and someone locked the door! they swore they didn't but I hadn't even had but maybe half a bottle of Smirnoff Green Apple so...
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I've thought about writing a book. If for nothing more than to be hopefully maybe an inspiration to those stuck in similar situations that I have been in. Maybe I should get some help first though and go/finish college. It is hard to say "hey look, just because you were poor and had the hell beat out of you and multiple other things happen to...
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let me know on messenger when u get home tonight lol i'm here, if it shows me away or whatever send a message i'll get it if my roommate has to smack me lol. biggrin

[Edited on Apr 19, 2005 7:55PM]

Gonna crash i think in case i hafta work tomorrow i'll try to catch u sometime tomorrow. /hugs

[Edited on Apr 20, 2005 12:38AM]
thank you so much for your comments in the dog group. i feel like you actually hit the nail on the head with what you are saying. i do feel bad for her because i'm not doing my best for her, because i literally can't. i'm at the point i resent this dog, and i hate myself for that. but i'm just tired of being here all day with her and dealing with everything. she isn't getting what she deserves out of life, but he doesn't understand that. in fact, just last night, he called my cat a name for jumping on the bed, so i called the dog a name for taking up all the bed, and then he insults me! i told him it's fucked up to insult a person when we are talking about animals. it was all in a joking manner, but i felt that was weird and out of line. i'm sorry i'm talking a lot, i could actually tell you tons and tons more. wink
Yesterday my order of rats came in from Rodentpro.com and since it's frozen I was worried about if the UPS ppl would manage to get to my house before I left for work. they always seem to come right in the time between me having left for work and my mom not yet back from work. My mom is inventory control manager where at Jo-Ann...
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Haha, that bit with the pest control guy is awesome.

So how are you supposed to defrost a dead rat? Do you just leave it on the countertop for a couple of hours the way you'd defrost frozen people-food? What if you microwave it and then let it cool down some? Or does it need to be hot for the snake to eat it?

I never realized it could be so complicated. confused
Absolutely fascinating!

The whole image of defrosting a rat in a Ziploc bag in the kitchen sink...that will absolutely have to go into a book somewhere.

Personally, I would have assumed you defrost a rat the same way you would anything else: first in the fridge, then in a Ziploc bag in a container of cold water?

Pets or people, it's always difficult to answer why we fall in love, isn't it?