no work today wuwu! I finally freaking decided on a theme for a photoset. It is going to be geeky and dorky and absolutely me. I love it and it's not even on film yet. I am kind of waiting to get my other leg done but I really don't want to. I figure though I will get alot of -you look retarded with only one leg done comments and well bleh I don't want to deal with that. It should be done around the 16th though if all goes well. Fuck it even if all doesn't go well I will starve for 2 weeks and get my damn leg done cause I am all sorts of freaking excited to at least get it to the point the other leg is and then take my set.
They still won't be finish finished but ya'll not gonna complain are ya? My biggest problem is going to be taking the photoset with Tyson in the house. He has no right to say what I do but eh I can imagine I will still get harrassed about it.
Anyways /hugs I am off to take a shower and then mail out and fax some stuff which means I have to find a place that does faxes. Should be interesting. I just want to get as much stuff done as I can for my college app. I mean nothing is due anytime soon as it's for fall 2006 but I rather get it all set up way way way beforehand.
I am worried about financial aide.. they want my parents tax info :/ I don't see why I have to give them that as my parents have nothing to do with my income. Pisses me off.
no work today wuwu! I finally freaking decided on a theme for a photoset. It is going to be geeky and dorky and absolutely me. I love it and it's not even on film yet. I am kind of waiting to get my other leg done but I really don't want to. I figure though I will get alot of -you look retarded with only one leg done comments and well bleh I don't want to deal with that. It should be done around the 16th though if all goes well. Fuck it even if all doesn't go well I will starve for 2 weeks and get my damn leg done cause I am all sorts of freaking excited to at least get it to the point the other leg is and then take my set.
They still won't be finish finished but ya'll not gonna complain are ya? My biggest problem is going to be taking the photoset with Tyson in the house. He has no right to say what I do but eh I can imagine I will still get harrassed about it.
Anyways /hugs I am off to take a shower and then mail out and fax some stuff which means I have to find a place that does faxes. Should be interesting. I just want to get as much stuff done as I can for my college app. I mean nothing is due anytime soon as it's for fall 2006 but I rather get it all set up way way way beforehand.
I am worried about financial aide.. they want my parents tax info :/ I don't see why I have to give them that as my parents have nothing to do with my income. Pisses me off.