just out of the shower!
clean and shiny!!
we went biking this evening, during the day I was putting the bikes back to normal
a winter in the garage does not do good for them... I love biking and I really needed to some sporty stuff, biking around our place is pretty good against cellulite
the roads are extremely bad so bumbumbum and BUMMM... auch... but hey its good for my ass!
musical love for now: the Gadjits, damn awesome band!
I have soo fucked up dreams lately, actually Im sleeping all day, I wake up at noon and continue sleeping after a shower on the balcony, so daydreaming and dreaming just flows into each other, oh god! complete madness!
edited to say that Im doing a friend list clean up so everyone with no journal and no comments must go, sorry

we went biking this evening, during the day I was putting the bikes back to normal

musical love for now: the Gadjits, damn awesome band!

I have soo fucked up dreams lately, actually Im sleeping all day, I wake up at noon and continue sleeping after a shower on the balcony, so daydreaming and dreaming just flows into each other, oh god! complete madness!

edited to say that Im doing a friend list clean up so everyone with no journal and no comments must go, sorry
what kind of bike do you ride?
have you heared of the mountainbike festival in willingen/germany?
c u
That's for your sweet comment you left me. Is the biking better in Buda or Pest?