So here I am!
yesterday we went to a retro party!!! we looked great, but the party sucked
, we were already on our way home at midnight... actually we left the place soon after ten, then went to our good old usual place, that sucked as well...
the whole was to be a rock and roll night, but it could harly been called that
so first a new psycho kind band played, which was....
who knows, not really... then an old band played, and only every third song was rockn roll the rest wasnt...
the real problem was that the two band really had nothing to do with each other... it was too different...
so after two jager and some redvine with coke (do you drink this kinda stuff?? Im curious
) we left to Szoda...
to sum up the best thing in the evening, I just cant call it night, was the B52 and of course us!!!
we rocked
oh and just before going I had an argue with my mom... she was angry cuz Im a pessimist in love, she wanted to persuade me that this might be the night when I meet my "rockn roll price" or so, and I was like fuck no way if a guy likes me than he must an egoist asshole, or just simply an asshole, Im condemned to loneliness and thats that...
sounds awful, but hell Im getting use to it...
anyways...Who was right?????? MEEEE!!!!! no fucking rock and roll prince, and you know what Im glad!!! Im sooo fucking glad!!! the last thing I need these damn busy days is another heartbrake...
I just really had enough of Mr Rights running around
Im disgusted of sex, of my exs, I really cant believe how could I love such assholes, especially the last one... not a single fucking word of him was true... not even what he asked...
otherwise Im fine, making embroideries and learning... but I still couldnt find a place, it must be because of the holidays... but I dont wanna stay in my recent place, I hate it there so much!!!!
what will you do on newyears eve?
I still dunno...
yesterday we went to a retro party!!! we looked great, but the party sucked

the whole was to be a rock and roll night, but it could harly been called that

so first a new psycho kind band played, which was....

the real problem was that the two band really had nothing to do with each other... it was too different...
so after two jager and some redvine with coke (do you drink this kinda stuff?? Im curious

to sum up the best thing in the evening, I just cant call it night, was the B52 and of course us!!!

oh and just before going I had an argue with my mom... she was angry cuz Im a pessimist in love, she wanted to persuade me that this might be the night when I meet my "rockn roll price" or so, and I was like fuck no way if a guy likes me than he must an egoist asshole, or just simply an asshole, Im condemned to loneliness and thats that...
sounds awful, but hell Im getting use to it...
anyways...Who was right?????? MEEEE!!!!! no fucking rock and roll prince, and you know what Im glad!!! Im sooo fucking glad!!! the last thing I need these damn busy days is another heartbrake...
I just really had enough of Mr Rights running around

otherwise Im fine, making embroideries and learning... but I still couldnt find a place, it must be because of the holidays... but I dont wanna stay in my recent place, I hate it there so much!!!!
what will you do on newyears eve?
I still dunno...

New Years will be spent getting as drunk as I can and listening ot metal with my friends \m/
i've had red wine and sparkly sugared water in spain (tinto verano, it's the name), but you need to mix it well, or it will taste SO bad!