I spent the whole night throwing up in the toilet for the 5th time in about 6 months with thremendous pain in my belly
so I freaked out pretty much and further on spent the whole day in the hospital seeing my gynecologist, who told me that I had nothing to worry about...
So on, so on seems like Im having sand in my kidney ( terribly sorry for the inproper translation, I guess you can figure out what I mean), that gives me this kind of sickness...
Anyhow. anyhow nothing's sure, as for the doctors Im pretty healthy, but if so who can explain what is happening to me every once in a while...

so I freaked out pretty much and further on spent the whole day in the hospital seeing my gynecologist, who told me that I had nothing to worry about...
So on, so on seems like Im having sand in my kidney ( terribly sorry for the inproper translation, I guess you can figure out what I mean), that gives me this kind of sickness...
Anyhow. anyhow nothing's sure, as for the doctors Im pretty healthy, but if so who can explain what is happening to me every once in a while...

Y joder!! claro que quiero cosas de merceria a mitad de precio jajajjaj
Vente con mucha informacin y fotos si puedes y compramos mucho!