So once more a week of madness in Hungary, still studying...
Now Im going to start my freaking diary of stripping in Spain...
As you might know by now, Ive been living in Spain for a year, and you might know as well, that Im a pole dancer, the thing that you surely dont know is how this thing goes here, well Im just about to tell you how it goes...
Chapter 1
I wake up in my bed at 6 am in the morning, by now the suitcase is done, weights 25 kgs, its new, its pink, its ready to use... the taxi is waiting outside to take me to the airport of Barcelona, Im flying out to Sevilla, the taxi driver asks for more that 30 euros, of course its early and whats more saturday, everyones out, what can I do... theres nobody at the check in counter, how lucky, I think, I get rid of the suitcase and hurry my steps to the boarding....
The flights easy, there are no turbulances, I spend that hour sleeping. Arriving to Sevilla Im waiting to see my lovely pink suitcase to appear, but nothing, in a little while a fat old hairy man comes and tells me that there are no more suitcases to arrive, so I should ask at the lost counter... PANIC,PANIC,PANIC... No worries the suitcase is in Barcelona, thank you for arriving on time to the airport...Seorita we will send you, are you here for holidays??? Holidays??? No shit man, I have all my clothes in that pink suitcase dammit, I cannot work without it, do you have any idea of the value of those clothes and shoes??? OK,OK no worries, the suitcase will arrive to Zafra tomorrow in the afternoon...
13 hours of waiting in Santa Justa of Sevilla, why? cuz Zafra is not really a city, some say its a village, but after seeing it I truly doubt it... So in about 16 hours after landing in Sevilla, I arrive to Zafra, there are no taxis, theres nobody on the street, but me, finally a man comes out of the station and helps me out with the number of the local taxi station...
The taxi arrives and takes me to Club Olimpo, a lovely little brothel, here these places are called puticlubs - just to inform you - I arrive and explain my situation to the chief, who is quite happy that the manager have sent him una chica tan guapa...
Iwake up in the morning and call about 5 million times to the lijne of reclamation of Air Europa, nothing, nothing, by now they have no idea where the suitcase is...2 pm all of a sudden my suicase arrives, my life is saved I can finally get to work this night...
to be continued

Now Im going to start my freaking diary of stripping in Spain...
As you might know by now, Ive been living in Spain for a year, and you might know as well, that Im a pole dancer, the thing that you surely dont know is how this thing goes here, well Im just about to tell you how it goes...
Chapter 1
I wake up in my bed at 6 am in the morning, by now the suitcase is done, weights 25 kgs, its new, its pink, its ready to use... the taxi is waiting outside to take me to the airport of Barcelona, Im flying out to Sevilla, the taxi driver asks for more that 30 euros, of course its early and whats more saturday, everyones out, what can I do... theres nobody at the check in counter, how lucky, I think, I get rid of the suitcase and hurry my steps to the boarding....
The flights easy, there are no turbulances, I spend that hour sleeping. Arriving to Sevilla Im waiting to see my lovely pink suitcase to appear, but nothing, in a little while a fat old hairy man comes and tells me that there are no more suitcases to arrive, so I should ask at the lost counter... PANIC,PANIC,PANIC... No worries the suitcase is in Barcelona, thank you for arriving on time to the airport...Seorita we will send you, are you here for holidays??? Holidays??? No shit man, I have all my clothes in that pink suitcase dammit, I cannot work without it, do you have any idea of the value of those clothes and shoes??? OK,OK no worries, the suitcase will arrive to Zafra tomorrow in the afternoon...
13 hours of waiting in Santa Justa of Sevilla, why? cuz Zafra is not really a city, some say its a village, but after seeing it I truly doubt it... So in about 16 hours after landing in Sevilla, I arrive to Zafra, there are no taxis, theres nobody on the street, but me, finally a man comes out of the station and helps me out with the number of the local taxi station...
The taxi arrives and takes me to Club Olimpo, a lovely little brothel, here these places are called puticlubs - just to inform you - I arrive and explain my situation to the chief, who is quite happy that the manager have sent him una chica tan guapa...
Iwake up in the morning and call about 5 million times to the lijne of reclamation of Air Europa, nothing, nothing, by now they have no idea where the suitcase is...2 pm all of a sudden my suicase arrives, my life is saved I can finally get to work this night...
to be continued
OK I'm curious, tell me more.
hi !!