So first af all a big hug for Ilsa who is back
News: actually theres not much, Im working like an idiot, then this month Ill get my ass to Hungary finally to see the family and friends and of course to pass some exams...
as always no set, sorry, I just cannot find the time to shoot a set, but sooner or later Ill get some new pics that we shot a while ago with sweet lady Mierkoles...
Im in Cantabria now, no idea when I get back to Barcelona, I need to work to earn money, to get inked when I get home, cuz here its too fucking expensive...
News: actually theres not much, Im working like an idiot, then this month Ill get my ass to Hungary finally to see the family and friends and of course to pass some exams...
as always no set, sorry, I just cannot find the time to shoot a set, but sooner or later Ill get some new pics that we shot a while ago with sweet lady Mierkoles...
Im in Cantabria now, no idea when I get back to Barcelona, I need to work to earn money, to get inked when I get home, cuz here its too fucking expensive...
Lo deberas haber mirado antes, es que este finde es puente y hay el doble de gente viajando... A dnde vas ahora? Pudiste cancelar al final el billete ese?
si que es un poco caro por aqu. Cantabria est bastante bien. Si te gusta, claro. Conozco a gente que tiene que vivir all y lo odian. Pero a mi me encanta. Ahora, Barcelona ms