how stupid we can be and how long we can go after our misleaded mind, I cant even believe it...
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Wednesday Jun 07, 2006
we live in a decadent world - uh tell us some more tags Melitta, p… -
Sunday Jun 04, 2006
Im so cool with the exams, but damn I want to get over the whole thin… -
Friday May 26, 2006
oh my god, so I had some AMAIZING ink done on tuesday, my arm looks a… -
Friday May 19, 2006
fuck perfection and gimme a bottle of golden tequila!!!! (oh greedy … -
Wednesday May 10, 2006
Im sad, but sometimes calm, Im useless, but I still pass, Im desperat… -
Sunday May 07, 2006
how stupid we can be and how long we can go after our misleaded mind,… -
Monday May 01, 2006
so Ive deleted all the grey names on my friendlist and took off the a… -
Sunday Apr 23, 2006
hola, so Im here in Alicante, working a lot, found a flat, its amaizi… -
Saturday Mar 25, 2006
see you in Spain! -
Monday Feb 27, 2006
So Im at my parents house, what I would call a rare occasion, anyway …
having luck looking for a place to work??