I just got back from spending a majority of the month of December in my hometown in Northern California. It was fantastic seeing family, friends, and shooting a TON with my fav photographer and friend Le Mew -who shot my set "Sunshine Kitten" in Member Review (check it out if you haven't already):
Now that I'm back home I'm getting caught up on internet life, Half Life 2- which I recently decided to replay after many years, and Black Sails (eeep new season in January).
Not entirely sure what 2015 is gonna have in store for me modeling wise, but I've already got some really exciting adventures in the works. I was invited to a Suicide Girls shoot-fest in Mexico in April which I'll be attending, I'm already working on new cosplays for Anime Expo in July, and I have some killer publications that will be trickling out still from shoots this year. Hopefully going pink will be in my near future as well :)
What are you all excited for in 2015?
(Also had no idea this was homework - @charmaine @lyxzen @missy & @rambo )