Woah, I can already feel the hostility building.... THANKS A LOT, @charmaine , @rambo , @lyxzen , @missy (just kidding haha)
I absolutely cannot stand when people smack their food/chew loudly/chew with their mouth open. If you do this in front of me, I will bad vibe you so fast. I'll glare. I'll inform you that you sound like a dog licking it's crotch. I feel it's just a very rude thing to do. I grew up being taught that chewing with your mouth open was rude, as is talking with your mouth full. People these days have no manners, I swear (this also applies to holding the door open for people, saying "excuse me/may I interrupt" before interrupting, "please/thank you", etc)
Other things include mainly stuff in photography and modeling that I feel is unaesthetically pleasing and cheapens a photo. Cracked nail polish, poor wig styling, poorly shined latex. All of the little details that I feel some people skip out on. Unless it's completely intentional, I just don't dig it.
Other than that, I have really been trying hard to not let annoyances get to me. I complain A LOT about things/people being annoying, and let's face it- complaining IS annoying, so I'm trying to be better.