i know i've made this list already, like MONTHS ago, but here is some stuff i need to do in my lifetime......
-Learn to play bass
-Learn to play drums
-learn to spin vinyl
-learn to breakdance (don't laugh at me)
-become fluent in French
-start my own magazine
-singlehandedly bring slap bracelets BACK into fashion.
And thank you all for being so supportive of me despite all the drama going on. Drama is evil.........
Jeremy, you must READ my last 2 journals.
Everyone else........I NOW finally HAVE DSL!!!!!
Yes all this time I'v been on DIAL UP. that is true love of SG........shit.
-Learn to play bass
-Learn to play drums
-learn to spin vinyl
-learn to breakdance (don't laugh at me)
-become fluent in French
-start my own magazine
-singlehandedly bring slap bracelets BACK into fashion.
And thank you all for being so supportive of me despite all the drama going on. Drama is evil.........

Jeremy, you must READ my last 2 journals.
Everyone else........I NOW finally HAVE DSL!!!!!
Yes all this time I'v been on DIAL UP. that is true love of SG........shit.

As far as your list go.. I wish you best of luck..
I was driving the other day and I convinced my self that I was fluent in french.,. then I remembered I wasnt.. but I could say things like le sans coulette, or ces't morte...
I dont know why..
But yea...maybe I was thinkng about french kissing or some cool like that