If you care, read the end of my previous journal.
I need to be fixed. And I'm gonna do it myself, thankyouverymuch......
I miss cardcheat.
I also miss slap bracelets and hypercolor tee shirts......oh yeah, and New Kids on the Block.
What do YOU miss?
I need to be fixed. And I'm gonna do it myself, thankyouverymuch......
I miss cardcheat.
I also miss slap bracelets and hypercolor tee shirts......oh yeah, and New Kids on the Block.
What do YOU miss?

hmmm I remember slap bracelets those were cool I infact owned a few hypercolor t-shirts... I remember wearing them in elementary school and recess and stuff...
yea I miss RECESS. that was fucking bad... I think over the whole day we prolly had like 2 hours of recess huh? I don't know but it was like a long ass time... subject, subject recess, subject, LUNCH (like and hour and a half or something) then subject then recess then subject... then schools out!
yea... I remember worrying about my grades in 2nd grade... (that quickly deteriorated once I got to the begining of "higher education" ie: middle school... we had breaks then too but lunch was really IT... same with highschool... no more recess. ::sighs::
some times do you feel like you need a recess from your life? I do. I need a recess from being girl crazy ::rolling eyes::
Those slap brcelets were cool