Someone stole my big, fat Sharpie..........and now they must die.
So today is a continuation of my laziness from yesterday.
I am gonna attempt to clean the room.
So the random question of the day is related to cleaning.
What is a random thing you've found when clean that made you laugh/ say "oh shit!"/ have some kinda memory association??????
I remember cleaning my room a LONG time ago, and in my closet I found the crap my mom had saved from my kindergarten years. Of course, it was some lame quetion thingie "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
I drew an aerobics instructor and I was blond (yes folks, black is NOT my natural hair color). My mom used to take me to her aerobics classes when i was like 4 or something.
Hmmm.......perhaps that is when my mom's craziness about MY WEIGHT started. But anyhow, your finds?????
Listening to: Pulp Fiction soundtrack.......wanting to be Uma right now.
Wearing: pajamas.......and they aren't at all sexy.
Drinking: ass loads of water.
Thinking: LADIES............... NotMySlave has been freed from the obligation of being my prom Date. So YOU go with him!!!!!!! Super nice guy......
So today is a continuation of my laziness from yesterday.
I am gonna attempt to clean the room.
So the random question of the day is related to cleaning.
What is a random thing you've found when clean that made you laugh/ say "oh shit!"/ have some kinda memory association??????
I remember cleaning my room a LONG time ago, and in my closet I found the crap my mom had saved from my kindergarten years. Of course, it was some lame quetion thingie "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
I drew an aerobics instructor and I was blond (yes folks, black is NOT my natural hair color). My mom used to take me to her aerobics classes when i was like 4 or something.
Hmmm.......perhaps that is when my mom's craziness about MY WEIGHT started. But anyhow, your finds?????

Listening to: Pulp Fiction soundtrack.......wanting to be Uma right now.
Wearing: pajamas.......and they aren't at all sexy.
Drinking: ass loads of water.
Thinking: LADIES............... NotMySlave has been freed from the obligation of being my prom Date. So YOU go with him!!!!!!! Super nice guy......

i found a picture entitled "my eyes." i had coloured in the irises with blue crayon, then rubbed it out, and re-coloured them with brown crayon. it was grade 1. my teacher had made me walk to the bathroom to look at myself and face up to facts: my eyes were a boring brown, not blue! yes, i cried.
A mouse! In the mist of chasin it around my room it somehow got up my skirt! I felt it on my inner theigh and stood up! But it was no where to be seen. A few seconds later it fell from between my legs! It was holding on to my panties for dear life! I finally caught it and let it go in a feild. My mom named the mouse Chonie and that christmas I got a mouse magnet that had barbie panties in his hands!