Mood: Sad-------ish
Thoughts right now:
- Stop having expectations, cuz you get let down ALWAYS.
-other than hanging out with my girlfriend, i am gonna dick around online ALL is my day off, but that means I have to work tomorrow instead. Lame.
-maybe I'll go to the gym
-its noon and i want a drink.....and i don't usually drink.
-driving Mr.PoopyDave to the airport at midnight. Oi.
-Sad sucks..........its more of a general disappointment though. And it's all cloudy and shit outside so it just adds to it.
Random question......
What is your favorite alcoholic beverage?
I haven't had too many, but I am partial to the girly drinks like Amaretto Sour and Midori Sour.

Thoughts right now:
- Stop having expectations, cuz you get let down ALWAYS.
-other than hanging out with my girlfriend, i am gonna dick around online ALL is my day off, but that means I have to work tomorrow instead. Lame.
-maybe I'll go to the gym
-its noon and i want a drink.....and i don't usually drink.
-driving Mr.PoopyDave to the airport at midnight. Oi.
-Sad sucks..........its more of a general disappointment though. And it's all cloudy and shit outside so it just adds to it.
Random question......
What is your favorite alcoholic beverage?
I haven't had too many, but I am partial to the girly drinks like Amaretto Sour and Midori Sour.

a) I forgot my cell phone
b) I left all my keys on the ring, which doesnt' relaly matter
c) I forgot to give you the 20 for gas.
d) "oh no! I left my GLASSES on the PLANE!"
-sorry for being a lame ass, you rick for helping me with the airport. mmmwah.
girly drinks I've heard of: Dr.McGuillicutty's Vanilla and cherry 7-Up, Chambord and lemonaid (actually there are reams of Chambord drinks online)