Monday Aug 29, 2005 Aug 28, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email . VIEW 11 of 11 COMMENTS alyschneider: i love your hair!! you are adorable! and i like you better with short hair but i understand missing the long hair..i cut 14 inches off mine a few months ago! Sep 1, 2005 anubis_: Thanks for the birthday wish. I went to NYC once before the Twin Tower tragedy, it was fun, but I was glad to go home after we were done. They do have killer pizza though. Sep 1, 2005
and i like you better with short hair but i understand missing the long hair..i cut 14 inches off mine a few months ago!
I went to NYC once before the Twin Tower tragedy, it was fun, but I was glad to go home after we were done. They do have killer pizza though.