I got a new hair style. It is super hawt I have been told.
The new kitten is very funny. She treats us like mom and dad. She comes running and squeaking into bed every night at the same time. And wakes us up in the morning. <3 She squeaks like a little Asian kitty, and the vet thinks she is Burmese. I agree.
She and Sophie are gooood friends. It was a good thing to get her. I still miss my Rowan horribly. Sophie has been SO sweet and snuggly ever since we had to put Rowan down. And she loves on Luna and licks her like a momma cat.
And for you Toxic, here is my Martha-ness Halloween project all finished. It was awesome.
I've been cooking and baking like CRAZY. I have a real affinity for it and am really good. My mom is hilarious - she commented on one of my photos (yeah, my mom is on Facebook, but she's the shit. I wish my in laws would not be on FB. ) wondering where I learned to cook.
I iz awesome.
Tonight's Heroes pasta dinner date night was a recipe adapted by meeeeeee. And full of noms.
Stuffed pasta shells (with ground beef, ricotta, chopped spinach, chopped onions, parmesan and spices topped with sauce and mozzarella). MMMMMM.
My Thanksgiving was great. I'm sorry, but no family. I spent it with friends and had a great time. One of the best ever.
My friend however was in the apartment fire in Irving and lost everything - was barely able to get herself and pets out in time. I've been trying to collect things for her, so if anyone has anything to donate, she would really appreciate it. Please let me know if you can help. She and her husband also filed for divorce today. Poor thing. I wish I could give her her apartment back.
Uh, I'm not sure what else. I'm sure there is plenty. That is the basics I think. Hope you enjoyed the pictures. And the rambling.
I hope you are all well. I have missed SG land. And all of you!
a lots of kisses to you