WHEW! I am so glad I am on Winter Break. I worked my ass off at Uni this semester. My last class was great. Finished with a 98% and a 100% on the final! I am a smarty pants!
I am really hoping to be able to apply (and get) the Merit Award Scholarship for next academic year with all this hard work. My GPA for the semester is around a 3.7 - 3.8!
Like WOAH!
RagingMagdalena and I spent the begining of break at the Rasputina show in D.C. on Sunday. Simply fah-bulous dah-ling. She was fun, and oh so cute in her new corset (me wantieeeeees!). No meeting Melora this time. A great disappointment. Stupid bouncers. Shooing us away but allowing the munchkins to go up.
I worked for my tickets, Daddy didn't buy them for me!
So just in case you are keeping track, yes, that is 2 Raspy shows in a month and a half. And they did 'Barracuda'! *Swoon* It was great!

I am still digging myself out of the financial hole that I was in at OG, so no pressies under the tree. It is a bit sad, though I have had many a sparse or non existant Christmases in the past, so I can deal. I get rather depressed around this time of year anyway.
UM, the new job is great. Stress level in nearly nonexistant. It is nice. And I will be calling OG corporate while I am on break due the fact that my former service manager has run his mouth and bragged to people that he fired me, I didn't quit. Nevermind that he told me he refused to accept my two weeks notice.
Had another Cortizone injection. I didn't get a massge close enough after the injection due to being deadly sick and finals, so the muscles are unhappy, but we are working on it. So hopefully they will soften up.
Mike and I cleaned the ever loving shit out of the house yesterday. It was nice. I can't wait to get the room divider/bookshelf for the living room. Added a shelf over the toilet in the bathroom, and that now feels much lager. And I cleaned the bedroom, condensed my boxes and threw out lots and LOTS of trash. Unfortunately I have discovered that my box of favourite books did not make it to this apartment. So I am trying to get in touch with Mike's mom to see if she has it. I truly hope she does, as it has my autographed copy of 'House of Leaves' - and some first and second edition Nancy Drew books, my remaing Harry Potter books (the ones my former roommate DIDN'T steal), and my Anne Rice books. *Crosses her fingers*
I think that about does it. I am off to do laundry and get ready for work.

RagingMagdalena and I spent the begining of break at the Rasputina show in D.C. on Sunday. Simply fah-bulous dah-ling. She was fun, and oh so cute in her new corset (me wantieeeeees!). No meeting Melora this time. A great disappointment. Stupid bouncers. Shooing us away but allowing the munchkins to go up.

I am still digging myself out of the financial hole that I was in at OG, so no pressies under the tree. It is a bit sad, though I have had many a sparse or non existant Christmases in the past, so I can deal. I get rather depressed around this time of year anyway.

UM, the new job is great. Stress level in nearly nonexistant. It is nice. And I will be calling OG corporate while I am on break due the fact that my former service manager has run his mouth and bragged to people that he fired me, I didn't quit. Nevermind that he told me he refused to accept my two weeks notice.
Had another Cortizone injection. I didn't get a massge close enough after the injection due to being deadly sick and finals, so the muscles are unhappy, but we are working on it. So hopefully they will soften up.
Mike and I cleaned the ever loving shit out of the house yesterday. It was nice. I can't wait to get the room divider/bookshelf for the living room. Added a shelf over the toilet in the bathroom, and that now feels much lager. And I cleaned the bedroom, condensed my boxes and threw out lots and LOTS of trash. Unfortunately I have discovered that my box of favourite books did not make it to this apartment. So I am trying to get in touch with Mike's mom to see if she has it. I truly hope she does, as it has my autographed copy of 'House of Leaves' - and some first and second edition Nancy Drew books, my remaing Harry Potter books (the ones my former roommate DIDN'T steal), and my Anne Rice books. *Crosses her fingers*
I think that about does it. I am off to do laundry and get ready for work.