So, I have just been informed that the Tweedles are having a party tonite. ONE WEEK after the last confrontation, and 5 days after I talked to the management... A party. I WILL be a bitch, as I have homework to do when I get home from work. And then report them. I can't believe that they are going to go right on to their final warning within one week!! How STUPID can you be? And I don't think that most places will be OK with being unemployed when you are looking for housing... Too bad they don't think. All I can say is that they have been warned. It's now up to them. Too bad they can't think responsibly. Looks like I may be getting new neighbours soon.
they don't drink? how can it be a party? they make loud noise sober? these people are from alice in wonderland.
yake a few deep thoughtful breathes, constrict at different times your legs, feet, hands, arms, neck, face, stomach, abdomen hold each muscle group for a minute or so breathing deep and relaxing between stretches and you should feel fine. I was always skeptical of meditation until I was enrolled in a panic disorder/phobia group therapy, really tried it or aquired it or realized it, whatever its called?
I didn't finish the class though i think i was the most fucked up and best one off of the group fortunatley/unfortunatley

I really think I need to be in a group like that. I feel like my anxiety is getting worse.