So assignment #2 for one of my classes is "Begin A Career Portfolio". There are high school things for the "recently graduated". I wouldn't conisder 5 1/2 years recently graduated. Let's add in that my family was like a mental ward. No, really. My health was piss poor from my mum's nervous breakdown, to my bother's constant attempts at suicide or who the hell knows, mum's 3rd marriage, the step-sister that came with it and her suicide attempts. Needless to say, the local mental hospital knew us very personally. My health was awful. I didn't get sleep from the nites in the ER. I had constant stress migranes that frequently lasted more than 3 days... keeping me out of school. Then I would go back, and get stressed b/c I was behind. Equals more migranes. You get the point. I tried homeschooling. I got social anxiety disorder very very badly. I wouldn't even get out of bed and was so unmotivated. I worked for a little while, but then, stress. And the migranes. And my terrible insomia. That failed. GED. Not proud, but I had to do SOMETHING to move forward in my life.
Ok. Part 2. Employed Students. This is so for people with real jobs. They want charts and graphs. Artwork, or pitches, letters of apperication, awards of recognition. Yeah, in 3 1/2 years of waitressing, I've had ONE measely customer call corporate. I got a damn lapel pin. I go in for the fucking money. It' Olive Garden. And before that, Ruby Tuesday, Lone Star, Applebee's. It's an easy job. It takes no technical skills. No degree or diploma. It's at least $90 for a 5 hour shift. Sometimes $150. But it's not a CAREER. And that's why I am in school. So unless I shit something out between now and Sunday nite, I'm going to fail this assignment. And well, frankly, anything for this damn portfolio. I didn't even get an acceptance letter. Just a series of phone calls that just kept prgressing to the next level. Not even the words "officially accepted" were EVER mentioned in e-mails or the phone. So WTF? I e-mailed my Prof. I didn't know what else to do. I explained, minimally, the situation. WAITRESS. Has nothing to with Interior Design. Except that it is flexible, unlike a desk job, and it's good money. It is why I am going to school - I don't want to be a crotchedy old hag waiting tables. /rant
Ok. Part 2. Employed Students. This is so for people with real jobs. They want charts and graphs. Artwork, or pitches, letters of apperication, awards of recognition. Yeah, in 3 1/2 years of waitressing, I've had ONE measely customer call corporate. I got a damn lapel pin. I go in for the fucking money. It' Olive Garden. And before that, Ruby Tuesday, Lone Star, Applebee's. It's an easy job. It takes no technical skills. No degree or diploma. It's at least $90 for a 5 hour shift. Sometimes $150. But it's not a CAREER. And that's why I am in school. So unless I shit something out between now and Sunday nite, I'm going to fail this assignment. And well, frankly, anything for this damn portfolio. I didn't even get an acceptance letter. Just a series of phone calls that just kept prgressing to the next level. Not even the words "officially accepted" were EVER mentioned in e-mails or the phone. So WTF? I e-mailed my Prof. I didn't know what else to do. I explained, minimally, the situation. WAITRESS. Has nothing to with Interior Design. Except that it is flexible, unlike a desk job, and it's good money. It is why I am going to school - I don't want to be a crotchedy old hag waiting tables. /rant
The prof should allow an alternative assignment - cause that one is crap. Unless you're on an internship, having something to show from your career before you've begun it is rather unrealistic to expect. in school, i had one career assignment but it was all about what I wanted to be and i had to interview and research for it, but it didn't have to be a blasted portfolio. geez.
i hope it turns out well.