My hay fever is up and running. And terrible.
I got to work, looking like hell. And in trouble for being late and when I told the manager that I was late because I almost passed out, she let me leave. I really did want to work, but I wasn't quite sure if I would be able to work without dropping a 35 pound tray on someone as I collapsed. So home I went.
Though it does give me time to work on Mike's wings. They are looking GREAT. I am putting grapevine around the edges of the bottom pair. Mike is being a pain in my ass... "What if you did this?" "How about putting ivy
here? That glue... Fabric could be tighter..." I keep telling him that he can just finish them himself if he wants. He questions my design, my construction... EVERYTHING. And it is PISSING ME OFF!
But here is the prettiness so far... Remember: It's still under construction!!
So I am going to take more Mucinex...yum. And work on wings.
I diffentley would like to see the final product as well!
Hope your crafting and you are well.