Ok, first, I just picked up my Knowlton and he got poops all over my arm. Wtf?
Then I had to wipe his little kitty butt. That's love.
I didn't get the promotion at work but my boss worked it out so I have a set schedule. She is really pissed I didn't get full time and benefits. Yesterday when I went into work there was an e-mail in my inbox that my boss had sent to the director about me and the other case worker Tammy. It basically said that Tammy needed her raise and that I should have full time and benefits. She went on to say that both of us were amazing employees, going above and beyond daily and that she didn't want to lose us. It was nice to see that she appreciates me. At least if nothing else, I know she's pulling for me.
I start back at AE tomorrow. I am really nervous. I am afraid I am not going to remember how to do ANYTHING. Plus, it's a totally new store so I don't know where anything is. ::sigh:: Is scaaaary.
IFC was showing crazy Australian movies today and last night. I watched Moulin Rouge, Muriels Wedding AND Strictly Ballroom. Sweeet.
I am watching The Prophecy ONDemand right now. I don't care what anyone says, this movie rocks.
I should really be getting ready for work.

I didn't get the promotion at work but my boss worked it out so I have a set schedule. She is really pissed I didn't get full time and benefits. Yesterday when I went into work there was an e-mail in my inbox that my boss had sent to the director about me and the other case worker Tammy. It basically said that Tammy needed her raise and that I should have full time and benefits. She went on to say that both of us were amazing employees, going above and beyond daily and that she didn't want to lose us. It was nice to see that she appreciates me. At least if nothing else, I know she's pulling for me.
I start back at AE tomorrow. I am really nervous. I am afraid I am not going to remember how to do ANYTHING. Plus, it's a totally new store so I don't know where anything is. ::sigh:: Is scaaaary.
IFC was showing crazy Australian movies today and last night. I watched Moulin Rouge, Muriels Wedding AND Strictly Ballroom. Sweeet.
I am watching The Prophecy ONDemand right now. I don't care what anyone says, this movie rocks.
I should really be getting ready for work.

Good luck at AE!